Status: Almost finished :)

Inability To Love, (You've Had Me On My Knees Before.)

Chapter one

Caleb was there when Jaxon got home from work.

He was early, almost three hours before his shift normally ended due to a gas leak in the building, way earlier then Hollie was expecting him.

Caleb was longing on their couch, all six foot of his lean, toned body stretched across the black leather as if he owned the place; as if he'd been the one who'd spent a week going from store to store until Hollie found the 'perfect' sofa, as if he was the one who'd worked his butt off to give Hollie everything she wanted.

The rage was red hot in his chest and it burned, burned stronger than Jaxon was man enough to admit.

Hollie strolled in from the kitchen two icy beers in one hand, a bowl of nachos in the other and the brightest, warmest smile Jaxon had seen in months on her beautiful face.

Directed at Caleb, always at Caleb.

She giggled unabashedly as he tugged at the over sized shirt she was wearing over just Caleb's boxers, pulling her into his lap before running long fingers down her sides tickling her until she was red in the face and panting before pressing the softest of kisses to her nose.

There was that grin again; pure, exuberant, heartbreaking.

Jaxon stood silently in the doorway, a ghost in his own home, watching the love of his life snuggle into the arms of another man, as if they were the two that had been together for years, as if Caleb was the one with an engagment ring hidden in his sock drawer waiting for the perfect moment.

His brief case hit the carpet with a dull thud causing two sets of shining eyes to finally notice him. Jaxon didnt even notice, couldnt see past the state of undress the happy couple were currently in.

"Shit! oh my god! Jax! What are you doing home!" Hollie shrieked, rolling off of the couch dragging the blanket off with her to tie around her slender waist.

Caleb's eyes were bugging out of his head, panic stricken, darting from door to door for the closest exit.

Jaxon couldnt breathe, the black hole in his chest was trying to collapse his body from the inside out. His knees were no longer in any condition to be holding his weight plus the weight of his heart, heavy as a lead ball, pushing him down to the carpeted floor.

"I should probably..."

"Oh dear lord Caleb get out! NOW!" he nodded awkwardly, motioning to his shirt that Hollie was currently wearing, getting nothing more than a dirty look in reply before practically running for the back door, shirt and shoeless. Hollie was at Jaxons side in an instant, kneeling in front of the broken man.

"Shit! Jax, baby talk to me, are you okay? you need to breathe! Come on say something? please? Or can you at least look at me?" the words were non stop as she soothed his golden hair out of his face and ran a comforting arm up and down Jaxons back.

It was a good five minutes until he managed to raise his head, steely blue eyes meeting emerald. Hollies eyes used to be the most beautiful thing in the world, he could stare into them for days. Now all he wanted to do was look away. The thought made his stomach lurch.

"Baby? Are you okay? It wasnt what it looked like i swear! We were just watching the game and we, errr, we got hot and it was just siblingy bonding y'know? You're just overreacting honey, i promise."

The last time Hollie had promised Jaxon something they'd ended up lost, mapless and miles away from civilization, granted, Mexico had been the best holiday of his life; just like a honeymoon, full of drinks and laughter and soft, soft sheets. Hollie had promised she knew the way to some beautiful ruins just off of the coast, she'd lied then too.

Jaxon choked around his next breath, "Get out."

Green eyes widened almost comically, " Wha, what do you mean, get out? Jax we were just messing about it was nothing, okay? Just, let me clean up the mess, you go have a shower and i'll make us something to eat and we can forget this massive misunderstanding, yeah?" Hollie was smiling softly but her eyes were nervous as she smoothed over Arthurs cheekbones with her thumbs. "I even got the new X-Men on dvd today so we can watch that, i know you've been dying to see it and..."

"Hollie, get out."

His words were dagger sharp as he pushed her away from him so he could stand up. Confusion twisted her face as she stared up at her boyfriend, doe eyed, scared.

"I dont understand i thought?"

Jaxon couldnt bare another word, he was suddenly so unbelievably tired.

"WHAT ARENT YOU GRASPING HERE! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! NOW!" he pretty much roared, the words ripping at his heart as Hollie sat scrawled on the floor at his feet, looking young and lost and above all else shocked.

"Baby, calm down, it's Caleb. He's like my brother, you know that..."

Jaxon's fist smashing into the wall made Hollie scramble to her feet, a shocked gasp escaping her throat as the framed photo of them cracked and fell, glass and drywall littering the carpet around her.

"STOP LYING! For once in your life just stop! Every word that comes out of you mouth is a LIE! You've been fucking Caleb for months! I KNOW HOLLIE! The charade is up! You've broken my heart now get the fuck out of MY house!"

"H...How do you?"

"Oh for gods sake Hols, you stink of his aftershave and those cheap cigarettes he smokes, on three seperate occasions you've come home wearing someone elses clothes! You never wanna sleep with me because you're already getting it from someone else!" Jaxons fist recurled at his sides and he had to take a deep, deep breath before he could speak around the lump in his throat. "Just, please Hollie, leave, you can come get your stuff while im at work tomorrow but just... Just go, its better for the both of us."

Hollie didnt move, just kept staring, her gaze shifting from the broken photo frame to the hole Jaxon had just added to their, his, living room wall.

"Yeah, Im gonna go shower, just," He paused pinching the bridge of his nose, wincing when his hand throbbed, "be gone by the time i'm out."

One last pleading look at her and then he was gone.

Hollie slumped to her knees as she listened to the slow footsteps up the stairs, the debris of her perfect life skattered around her, the truth hit her like a freight train.


What have I done?'
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ooh dear the drama starts, please comment ;)