Status: Almost finished :)

Inability To Love, (You've Had Me On My Knees Before.)

Chapter three

The bed was too large.

It was cold too and... empty.

The house was too quite. Still. Lifeless.


Urghh, since when was their house ever this tidy? It was as if heartbreak had made Jaxon into Martha freaking Stewart.

There were no artsy magazines littering the table or mythology books skattered on the floor, no makeup or tights strewn around their bedroom nor any silly drawings on the white board on the fridge ment for the shopping lists.

Life was boring without Hollie, dull and meaningless.

Jaxon didnt know what hurt more; the betrayel or the fact that living without her hurt more then living with only half of her.


Hollie wasnt fairing much better.
In fact if anything she was even worse then he was.

Her best friends, Gwen and Lance had been furious when she'd turned up at their doorstep the night Jaxon kicked him out. Gwen actually slapped her around the face, her hand leaving a bright red mark on Hollies otherwise flawless skin. Hollie thought she deserved it, sortof wished it had been Jaxons hand instead of the sweet, caring women who apologized straight afterwards, dragged her into a bear hug and then ushered her into their spareroom.

It hurt, or well it stung more than anything, it was the least she deserved though, she wouldnt be suprised if, when Katie, Jaxon's older sister, found out, she ended up in the ER as battered on the outside as she felt internally, after all the Henderson's are fiercely protective.

Hollie flopped onto the too soft matteress wishing she was at home with Jaxon and simply stared into space as Gwen fluttered around her uselessly with no idea how to help.

Half of her was furious at her best friends stupidity, outraged that she'd dare upset sweet, loving Jaxon who treated Hollie as if the sun shone out of her arse or as if shed invented chocolate, the other half of her was scared to death for Hollie, for the now broken couple. Two pieces of a whole should never be seperated and she was worried they wouldnt get through this.

Jaxon and Hollie had always been that power couple in her mind, the perfect match, they were like destined for eachother, (or something equally as mushy,) they were the couple she'd wanted her and Lance to be like. Apparently things werent always as perfect as they seemed.

Her heart ached for them.


They'd been apart a week and Hollie hadnt left Gwen's house, hell, she only left the spare room to eat or use the bathroom, even then she walked around in a haze, barely spoke and when she did it was about Jaxon or Caleb or how much of a twat she'd been.

She was grieveing, almost as bad as when her father had died, only this time Caleb wasnt around to help her, Hollie couldnt even bare to text him, didnt know how to put into words the fact that between him and Jaxon she'd pick Jaxon, would always pick Jaxon. Should've picked him the first time.

If she'd realised what an empty husk she was without the man, how much it killed not seeing him everyday, she wouldnt have been such a bitch and cheated. She loved Caleb but she realised now that if Jaxon didnt want her around the irish man, she would stay far away.

"Okay Hols, enough is enough! Its been two weeks, if you had cheated on my brother because you didnt want to be with him anymore you'd have moved on by now but you havent so get the fuck out of bed, have a shower and meet me down stairs in twenty minutes! Or so help me god i will leave and make sure you never get him back!"

Hollie blinked bleerily at the stunning brunette in her tempory doorway before grasping what was going on and who was in her room and almost jumped right out of her bed, "Holy shit! Katie what the hell are you doing?" the glare she sent had Hollie clamering to her feet and heading to the bathroom with her tail between her legs.

"Im trying to help you, you moron! Twenty minutes. Shower. Downstairs, chopchop!"

Hollie showered quicker then she'd ever done in her life, (an angry Katie Henderson was the equivelent of a fire breathing dragon), before pulling a red sweater and a pair of black jeans out of her unpacked duffle bag, tugging them on in record time and sprinting down the stairs, sliding into the kitchen on mismatched socks.

Katie regarded her silently for a moment before smiling softly, putting down her coffee cup and opening up her arms for a hug. Hollie took full advantage of it, curling into the older women like a child in her mothers arms finally letting the weight of the situation get to her.

"Ah, you stupid idiot Hols, what were you thinking?" Katie whispered into her raven hair as she cried silently into her shoulder.

"I wasnt, im so sorry, I miss him so much! I didnt mean to hurt him, I didnt realise I loved him."

"Wait what!" Katie gasped pushing Hollie back slightly, her bright blue eyes, identical to Jaxon's, opened wide in shock. Hollie sniffled, wiping her eyes on the back of her sleeve looking more like a lost teenager then a fully grown woman.

"I, I erm, I love him Katie, and now ive fucked everything up and he hates me."

"Ohh honey!" she cooed, running her perfectly manicured fingers through Hollies unruly hair, "He doesnt hate you, he could never hate you. You can sort this out, you can totally fix this. And as much as I wanna hit you in your pretty little face and beat the shit out of this Caleb fellow, you and Jax are soul mates, hes rediculously in love with you and right now, hes an even bigger mess then you are."

Hollie smiled slightly before it vanished and she simply looked defeated. "He doesnt even wanna talk to me Katie, how am I supposed to fix this?"

Katie sighed, pushing her fringe away from her face before sliding Holliess phone across the table towards her. "Text him, remind him of why he fell for you in the first place, make him remember every good thing that happened, tell him you love him Hols, he deserves that at least." With that said she pressed a kiss to her forehead and left.

A glance at the clock told her that it was almost half past seven.

Well, if she was gonna do this there was no time like the present.

"Lets hope the Gods arent totally against me."
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