The Man I Thought I'd Never Love

Chapter 3

I woke up staring at a ceiling, which consisted of beams and lights that were at least 40 feet in the air. At first voices were just a drowned out blur, but they all came rushing to me in perfect audibility. “Is she okay?” “When is she going to wake up?” “Oh my god guys we need to call an ambulance!” I don’t know who said what but I didn't really take time to care. I slowly sat up, the room was still spinning but that could have just been from the lack of food in my system. “Cass. Are you okay?” Brian asked kneeling down next to me. His eyes were consumed with worry and fear, but I had no idea why. “Yea I’m fine. Why is everyone freaking out it’s not like this hasn't happened before?” I said trying to stand up, but failing miserably. Brian had to hold me up just so I wouldn't fall down. “Because that’s the longest you've stayed out. You’re usually fine in about 2 minutes but you were out cold for a good 10 minutes.” Matt answered, the question hadn't really been directed to him, but it was an answer none the less. “Well I’m fine now, I promise. It might just be because my sugar’s low or something. I’ll be fine, go put on an amazing show, and don’t worry about me.” I answered motioning them toward the stage. Whoever had found me must have had enough common sense to know not to take on the actual stage or people might go crazy, so they brought me backstage. The guys all took that as their cue to go. So they turned and headed toward stage, but Brian and Zacky both gave me reluctant looks before they left. The show itself only seemed to last five minutes but it was in truth about three hours. It wasn't one of their longest shows, but definitely not a short one either.
They all met up backstage, rambunctious, and goofy as ever. “Cassie!” Zacky screamed, running up to me, lifting me in the air with his constricting hug. “Alright get your sweaty smelly self off me already you goof.” I said laughing. “Ready guys? Shirts off on 3….And 3.” Zacky yelled laughing. But the guys all followed my idiotic brother’s example and took their shirts off. Wow! They smelled god awful. “Ah! My nose hairs I think they’re burning, please for the love of god and all that is remotely holy put your…..shirts back on. None of you are that great to look at anyway.” If my complaining didn't work, that certainly did. But it wasn’t entirely true. None of them were that hard on the eyes. Even my brother was okay….I guess. “Okay so we are ah headed back to the house except for short face cuz he’s got a lady to hang out with. Cuz he’s a loser like that.” Zacky said chuckling. “Oh shut up Zacky you’re just jealous you don’t have a girl.” “Oh that’s funny coming from the girl who hasn't had a boyfriend in 2 years.” “True but I’m also not adored by 65 thousand screaming fans.” “Oohh.” The guys mumbled, while laughing. “Zacky just got dissed by the sis.” Matt said laughing while hugging Val. “Alright alright lets get going before a fight breaks out and I have to smack someone with my drumsticks.” Jimmy said motioning us all toward the back exit. I grabbed a guitar and tried to grab an amp. But since it is half my weight that didn't work well. In fact I almost fell over in the process. “Here let me help.” Brian said, swinging his guitar by the strap over his shoulder. “Thanks but I got it.” I said lifting the amp. I never realized how heavy they were, the guys usually just lift them like a pillow case, but to me it was nearly impossible. He chuckled at my futile attempts. “Cass I love you, but we got to get going I need food.” He said chuckling, taking the amp, and picking it up with ease. “Well give me something to do. I feel useless.” I said pouting slightly, while walking toward the back exit. “Here, and you could never be useless, it’s impossible.” He said handing me his guitar, melting my heart completely with his dazzling smile. I tried to say thank you but my efforts were drowned out by the screaming crowd, and paparazzi. I let a startled scream in surprise of the sudden noise, and bright flashes.
Brian must have heard my noise because his hand was instantly wrapped around mine. We were running, well he was pulling me and I was trying desperately not to fall flat on my face. The light coming from the slow moving bus was inching closer. The guys obviously wouldn't have left us. But the bus was moving with us not in it, while we were running like hell from screaming fan girls was never a good scenario to be put in. Brian yelled to the bus driver, because he was obviously tired of pulling me. The bus stopped, but yet as fast as we were running the bus took forever to catch up to. Once we finally reached it, the door was open, so we literally jumped in while the bus slowly started rolling again. Brian and I lay on the nice cool floor for a few minutes, as our breathing gradually slowed, once it was back to normal, I got up and took off my shirt revealing my black camisole. I was usually pretty shy, but on the bus I really didn't care. Everyone was either dating, related to me, or just not interested, except for Brian.
I retrieved a red shirt out of one of my drawers in the back; they contained a few shirts and pants. I didn't plan on staying in my nasty blue shirt that now smelled like concert. The red shirt was bright next to my pants but went well, because of the white and black random writing on the front. After I smelled better, I grabbed a pillow and made my way to the couch. All the guys were rambunctious and loud, but it didn't bother me. If I was tired enough I could sleep through anything, and I did. I quickly fell asleep, and wasn't disturbed once throughout the whole 50 minute ride home. I woke up to being hit in the leg by an amp (accident), and being hit in the head by a football (clearly not an accident.) Even with it being so sudden I woke slowly. “Ouch. That hurt.” I mumbled while stretching, and yawning. Something wasn't right and I could easily tell. The cheering had stopped, and there were dim red and blue lights that got brighter as the bus came to a stop. Something was very wrong.