The Man I Thought I'd Never Love

Chapter 4

My stomach did a flip; all the guys kind of looked at each other, making sure it was all true. The bus had stopped completely. So the lights were bright and obviously very close. I wasn’t going to wait, the doors were open but none of the guys were getting out. I knew something was dreadfully wrong, because there was a silence, not the pleasant kind, but the kind that sends chills up your spine. And it did.
I got up, grabbed a black jacket that was four sized too big, pushed Matt out of the way(not easy), and jumped out of the bus. Somehow, I gracefully landed on my feet. As soon as they made contact with the hard ground I bolted. The cop cars were about a quarter mile away, down at the curve. I had played soccer in high school, and happened to be one of the best sprinters on the team. I ran faster than I ever had. Everything blurred around me. I had apparently snapped the guys out of their trance because I distinctly heard Zacky, Matt, and Brian all calling my name, trying to stop me. But I ignored them, and knew they wouldn't catch me. The one who had any chance at catching up to me was Brian. My legs made me fly, whatever had happened it was getting closer because I could now make out the outline of the cop car, rather than just the lights. Until then I hadn't noticed it was raining, well pouring to be more accurate. I was already completely soaked, my dark brown almost black layered hair was slightly curly from the movement, and hung in my face I stopped when I got close enough to see the scene. What I saw took a minute to sink in.
My world passed by in a blur. I stopped thinking, and if I could have I would have stopped breathing. But I was panting far too hard to do that. There was a faint sound but I was too dazed to pay attention to what it was, or too even look up. My eyes were glued, stuck on a black car lying in a ditch upside down, I knew that car. It belonged to my parents. Despite the pain it was causing me, I couldn't look away. That faint sound was pulsing in my head, progressively getting louder. I wanted to move forward, or run away, or cry out but my body was literally frozen. No matter how much my brain urged my body refused to listen.
Out of nowhere something hit me hard from behind throwing me near the edge of the road. The ground suddenly got closer, rushing up on me so fast. Just as I braced for impact, preparing for the pain, someone caught me. The pain never came. I looked up and saw Brian’s big tender eyes. I could tell he was holding back tears. I tried to stand up but my world was still slightly blurry; so Brian tried to assist. But me being my stubborn self politely pushed him away and started walking, when I saw the whole scene, an ambulance( the one that had almost hit me moments ago), the final product of the car, and all, I wish I wouldn't have gotten up…
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Short chapter sorryss