The Man I Thought I'd Never Love

Chapter 6

Everything was gone, my whole childhood, all my precious memories everything that had ever happened with my parents.
I was falling, falling into the depths of an unfamiliar darkness with no sense of balance or direction. I had no idea where I was falling but I hoped to not get back up. I wanted the darkness to embrace me, I wanted all to be set right, but then it hit me, as I hit the ground. Brian had tried to cradle my fall but it had been rather quick and sudden. I realized when I hit the ground, I still had one parent, and I was sure as hell not going to give up on my mom. After a moment I was able to think relatively straight, but my vision was partially obscured by a downfall of tears, they had quickly dampened my face. But I was temporarily stable, at least mentally speaking. Big strong hands grabbed me gently under my underarm and around my waist; it was still a very secure grip and eventually I was on my feet.
Normally in movies, when a character starts to lose it their loved one yells, or shakes them or on rare occasions there has been slapping; just to make the character snap out of it. But instead my loved one had an entirely different plan.
The rain was pouring down, as fast as my tears which were falling silently still. I couldn’t focus on anything, my thoughts were completely scattered and tossed to the wind. Brian, who was still close behind me, put a warm hand on my side. He was slowly turning me to face him; I was so tired I didn’t realize what he was trying to do until it was too late. His soft lips came crashing gracefully upon mine, inside that kiss all of our emotions were contained, it was insecure and the connection almost seemed fragile, yet there was still an ounce of fight. The kiss definitely brought me out of my dazed state, but it, for the slightest moment made me forget my dad was dead and that my mom was hanging on by a thread. It was all exactly what he meant to do, and he hadn’t thought twice about it. He was well aware the guys were staring at us, and he didn’t seem to care, his plan was working because for a split second I didn’t care either. When he broke away I was fully aware of everything, nothing was a blur anymore. Without him close to me though I was left exposed to the cold, and it created a sense of emptiness. Right then I noticed the temperature had dropped significantly since we had ran off the bus, and if possible the rain was coming down even harder than before. For a moment we were all silent, and that could be heard was the eerie echo of raindrops splattering in their own melody against the blacktop. No one had a clue as of what to say, or to think for that matter. Matt was the first one to break the silence, “Okay, there’s room for two in the ambulance, and someone else can follow in Brian’s car since it’s at the house… Zacky and I will go with Momma Baker. Syn, Rev, Cass, follow in the car and we’ll meet you there.”
Instead of feeling like a normal trip to the hospital for a broken bone this entire trip had an ominous feeling. Would my mom live until we got to the hospital? Could anything else possibly happen tonight? Could it all get any worse? I had one parent who was gone and another who's life was hanging on by a mere thread, and the big storm was just getting started.
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I know it's a short one, good stuff is just around the corner. If you like it please comment, if not please comment nicely lol