Status: updating as often as possible =)

Faking Smiles

Practice Makes Perfect

I'm siting on a bus. A tour bus. I can't believe this is all really happening.

There were several buses on the tour since there was such a huge crew and a lot of equipment. Oliver apparently gets his own bus that we'll have to ourselves for a week.

Next weekend we're going to meet up with some of his friends and they're going to stay with us for their summer vacation (two months), then we have a few weeks to ourselves, and after that his older brother is going to join us for the last month.

"Hey Rose?" I look up as Oliver takes a seat beside me on the sofa, "We should talk some."

We really should get to know each other better. We've been "dating" for three weeks now and are still practically strangers. I nod.

He continues, "First, I want to talk about the relationship. The crew knows we've been dating and the media has caught us out in public, but as far they all think, we're just friends. We're going to have to take the next step. . ."

I nod and reply, "Like more PDA?"


I think I know where he's going with this, "You want us to kiss in public, don't you? Make sure the world knows we're together?"

He bites his lower lip and nods.

That's when I make the decision to make this all just a little fun for me. If he's going to act like this when he's sober then I'm definitely going to take advantage of his nervousness. I try to hide my smirk as I quietly say, "We should probably practice then. I mean, we don't want to look like it's our first time kissing when those cameras turn on us."

"Uh, yeah, that makes sense."

I then pull his head to mine and we move our lips move together in sync. I don't know what it is, but it's like they're just meant to be together. It's not a nasty, sloppy kiss, just us simply pressing our lips together, but something it feels like electricity is flowing through y toes, up my legs, down through my arms and finger, and then up to my head and it's greatest shock is at my lips. It's an amazing feeling.

We pull away and I can feel the flow start to slow. I don't want that. . . And apparently neither does Oliver cause in a matter of seconds his lips are back on mine and he's practically on top of me, his weight being held up by arms from what I can tell.

I flip us over so I'm on him and he isn't uncomfortable and we continue what we were doing with just a little more. . . Passion?

What is going on?

~ ~ ~

I am now laying in my bunk and reading one of the books I brought with me. I say reading, but really I'm just staring at the page and wondering about what happened earlier.

Oliver's shirt had been on the ground and mine was getting there when the bus pulled to a stop. We had to stop to fill up on gas and thank god cause I have no idea how far Oliver and I were going to take that.

He went out to stretch his legs and I came back here. The bus started moving again awhile ago so I know he's on here, but he must still be in the main room watching TV or something. That's fine cause I'm reading and definitely don't want a repeat of what happened earlier.

My phone starts to buzz so I pull it out and see I have a new text from Oliver. What the heck? He's so lazy.

Hey, can you come out here?

I get up from the bunk and go out to see Oliver playing video games. Typical.

"What? Did you just call me out here cause you needed someone to kick your butt at your own game?"

"As if. I just got a text from my manager. He said I have an interview tonight and this would be the perfect time to introduce you to the world."

♠ ♠ ♠
Well, it's 12:18am where I am. A new day, a new chapter! Actually, I was just so excited about publishing the first chapter and getting the first comment that it motivated me to make a new chapter and I looked at the clock and it was past 12 so I decided to publish it! So thank you very much to SydneySays for posting the first comment! I officially dedicate this chapter to you!

Just to let everyone know, I think I'm going to dedicate every chapter to the person who leaves the best comment. . . Just saying. . .

I hope you all liked their little make out scene!

Comment = Motivation = Longer Chapters!

PS: I'll edit any mistakes tomorrow, I really need to go to bed. I hate having school in the mornings.

Update: It's officially been edited.