Status: updating as often as possible =)

Faking Smiles

The Interview

I look at my surroundings and try to take it all in. I'm in some studio, my hair and make-up just got finished and now I'm waiting for my cue to walk on stage.

Oliver is taking to some female interviewer that is completely doing the whole flirty thing. It's really gross considering their ten or twenty year age difference. Oliver is really cute, but seriously?

"So Oliver, you've been seen in a few magazines hanging out with a girl? Any news on that?" The interviewer asks Oliver as a picture of Oliver and I appears on a large TV screen behind them.

Oliver kind of laughs and replies, "Uh, yeah. Her name is Rose Kresten and she's my new girlfriend," everyone kind of leans forward, "and she's here today. Would you like her to come out?"

Everyone hollers yes and the interviewer gives me my cue and I walk out on stage. Everything gets a lot louder as I take my seat next to Oliver and he takes my hand. I smile at him and he kisses my cheek. That's just makes the creams get even louder than they already were.

The interviewer lady smiles at us and asked, "So how did this happen?"

I look at Oliver and he knows that he's going to have to be the one to explain. "Rose was going to audition to be one of the dancers on my tour. She was looking around the building and wasn't really paying attention to where she was going and ended up running into me. . . Literally."

Everyone laughs and all eyes turn to me. I start talking, "It wasn't completely my fault. He wasn't looking where he was going either. I was reading a map. What was his excuse? Texting?" I smile at Oliver and continue, "Anyway, we started to talk and we got to know each other. I missed my audition, but he said he would reschedule it for me. We talked all evening and by the time we realized the time, it was like one in the morning."

Oliver picks up where I leave off, "I drove her home, a two hour drive, and somewhere along the line I asked her to let me take her on a real date. She said yes and even once we got to her house, we didn't stop talking. We exchanged number and continued to text till she fell asleep."

The audience "awwed" and Oliver and I smiled at each other.

The interviewer whipped a fake tear and asked, "So are you a dancer on the tour, Rose?"

I nodded.

From that point on the interview was kind of boring. Oliver talked a little about the tour and said that there are going to be a few surprises and a few expecting guest, but that was all he was allowed to say. Then he preformed one of his songs and we got to leave.

When Oliver and I walk out of the building, we're swarmed right away. There's girls screaming from every direction and it took ten minutes to make the half a minute walk from the building door to the waiting limo.

Once we're driving away, Oliver turns to me and asks, "How do you like the fame? You better get use to it."

I just sigh and look out the window. Tomorrow is the first show, Oliver's gonna go party tonight.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had Internet issues yesterday so I wasn't able to write this, but I just figured it out like twenty minutes ago so I got on, wrote this, and now I'm publishing it to make up for yesterday. I'll be publishing another chapter later tonight.

I know this chapter kind of sucks, but like I said, I'm just trying to get a chapter out for yesterday and this was really rushed. I'll edit it later after I publish the next chapter.

Comments = Motivation = Longer Chapters!!!

P.S. No comments for the last chapter so I guess this chapter isn't going to be dedicated to anyone.