Status: updating as often as possible =)

Faking Smiles

A New Perspective

Oliver's POV

Before I even open my eyes I feel the pounding in my head. I don't know why I drink so much, the morning hangover practically kills me. Where's Rose?

I slit my eyes open and see Rose sitting beside me with two Advil in one hand and a glass of water in the other. I gladly take the Advil and water. I slowly get out of my bunk as she goes back to the little kitchen on this bus. I'm sitting on the floor when she returns with damp washcloth.

I don't fully know why I had Rose come on this tour. Yeah, I do need some help getting through the mornings after I go to big parties, but I've managed before. I've gone on a few tours within the past year and I always got to my shows and none of the fans ever noticed I wasn't sober.

So why did I ask her to come?

It was that day in the bathroom. Something about her. . . I just didn't want her to be gone that easily. Yeah, she probably would have been hired as a dancer anyway, she's really great, but then she would always be around the dancers. I had to come up with a way that would allow her to be around me.

I was just thinking on my feet and his is how it ended up. She's now my fake girlfriend. I guess it works cause now she's always with me, just like I wanted. I have this feeling, though, that she's not happy.

I just don't know what I could do to make her happy. I would like to ask someone, but who could I trust? Hmm. . .

Next week we're going to be picking up my three best friends; Jake, Tony, and Scott. I think I'll ask them what to do. We've all been best friends for so long, none of them would ever sell this story to media. I can trust them.

But what if one of them decide to go after Rose? She's so pretty and Tony is such a horn-dog. All the girls seem to fall for Jake, maybe I shouldn't tell him. I doubt he'd purposely go after her, but she's sort of irresistible. That leaves Scott. I guess I'll tell him about everything first. He's always been the smartest of all of us.

Shit, I sound like such a freaking girl.
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I don't like this chapter, but I think every five chapters I'm going to do a Oliver chapter.

I don't know why, but I sill haven't really gotten into this story yet. I hate having stories that are just like every other story on Mibba, but that seems to be where this story is headed. I just need to think of some way to make this story original.

I'll try to think about some way to make it better this week. If anyone has any really good ideas or any ideas at all, feel free to message me and if I end up using your idea, I'll be sure to give you credit.

Comments = Motivation = Longer Chapters!

P.S. This chapter is dedicated to triforce;! Thank you so much for leaving me a comment and I think I'll try to do something with her dancing soon so I can incorporate the layout better.