Status: updating as often as possible =)

Faking Smiles


Rose's POV

I've haven't told Oliver this, but I've never actually been a fan of his music.

He has a good voice and all, but his music isn't really my style. His sound is kind of mix between Justin Bieber and All Time Low. His music is okay, but I just don't see myself listening to it for hours.

His first concert of the tour is happening right now. . . As in, he's on stage singing and I'm dancing with all the other dancers. This is actually the first concert I've been to that actually has like one main act. I go to concerts that are more like Warped Tour and I can see multiple bands at one time. I just like it like that.

Oliver Loke. . . He kind of took the world real suddenly. He just came out of nowhere.

He was born in the UK, but has lived in the US for so long that his accent rarely shows. The fans love when it slips out, it makes the girls go wild.

I learned on his fan site that he was doing his middle school talent show (on a dare) when he got discovered. Some talent searching dude (I can't remember his name) had been going to a lot of school talent shows and just happened to show up in Oliver's middle school at the right time. It was complete luck.

Oliver originally thought it was all a joke and his friends just had a parent help pull a fast one over him, but it was for real. I wish I could have been there to see his face cause I'm sure it was priceless when he found out it wasn't a joke.

Oliver was fourteen when he got signed and by the time he was fifteen, he was already doing nation-wide tours.

I was sixteen when I first heard his name. He was seventeen at that time. My best friend, Kailey, couldn't believe I didn't know who the Oliver Loke was. He was "only the best singer to ever walk the earth" and I had been living under rock according to her.

She had dug around in her closet for a minutes before she pulled out one of his Cd's and put it into her stereo. She pressed play and waited for my reaction. . . I disappointed her. After the first two songs, I picked up her stereo remote and turned the crap off.

I just didn't like it.

I walk off the stage after the lights go out and the concert is finished.

Oliver hugs me from behind and kisses my cheek (for show) and asks me, "So what do you think? You know, you've never actually given me an opinion on my music before?"

I turn around in his arms and lean up to him and quietly reply, "I've heard better."
♠ ♠ ♠
No dedication tonight. . .