Status: updating as often as possible =)

Faking Smiles


I'm running.

I'm panting.

I'm screaming.

I don't know why I can't stop.

I don't know why I can't look back.

I don't know why I'm so scared.

I trip over a branch and fall to the ground. I notice that I'm in the woods. It's dark and I can't see anything.

How did I get here?

The next thing I know, I'm being picked up and someone is throwing me over their shoulder. I stop screaming, but I'm still so scared. Somehow, I know that something bad is happening. I just have a really bad feeling.

I'm thrown onto the floor of some cabin in the middle of nowhere and look into the face of the person who has taken me.


I wake up in a sweaty heat with my throat noticeable dry.

"Rose? What's wrong?" I look to my left and see Oliver sitting next to me, right outside my bunk. "You were thrashing and screaming. What happened?"

I crawl out of my bunk and into his arms. That's when I realize I'm crying.

We stay in that position for a long time. He keeps his arms around me and rubs my back while I let the tears fall into his shoulder.

The next thing I know, I wake up back in my bunk. The thing that's different is that I have arms around me, Oliver's arms. I start to get up, but his arms just tighten around me and eventually I just give up and get resettled with my head on his chest. It's actually really comfy.

I know when we both get up, I'm going to have some explaining to do and I'm definitely not looking forward to that.

Last night was terrible. I haven't had a nightmare involving my father in a long time and I was starting to get use to it. I hope these don't start to reoccur that often. I'd rather not explain this all to Oliver.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dedicated to SydneySays. You know, you're my first ever consistent commenter? How awesome is that?

How does everyone else like the story so far? This chapter is kind of short, but just a fair warning, the weekday chapters are probably going to be a little short. But the weekend chapters, I'll try to make those really long to make up for it.

Comments = Motivation = Longer chapters!