Status: started 6:00 may 10th

How Things Go From Bad to Worse

Chapter 1

On April 30th , 1997 there was a baby girl who was born into this world. She didn't get to
choose what family she was born into the parents she had. Our higher power just knew
where we belonged. Our parents whom ever they maybe always want the best even though
you may want to run away or hurt your self, but before anyone ever thinks of doing that or
even is doing it now. Read this. This baby girl is a fragile ,sweet, sensitive person. Even
though she didn't realize it but she was going to have to face hard times growing up. She
didn't know that when she started school she would have A.D.D. and A.D.H.D. she had
absolutely no idea that she would have to work 10 times harder just to feel normal and

Well sadly she also had no idea the troubles she would face with her parents. Parents have authority to almost anything. They can yell and get mad but, what can we do? We have no offense ,no protection if we were to yell back . What if just for one day the kids got the authority? Could we yell at them and have power over them? I would if i was a one way thinker. Would you,could you, or should you? You would out of impulse. You could but they would bust you in your chops. You shouldn't because you know how it makes you feel. You know that because you are the one who is being yelled at or punished, but doesn't it hurt you? Maybe not physically but mentally?If you know how it feels why would you do it back? You know it hurts , so why put the weight you have on someone else?

This little infant baby girl was me. My mother is Hispanic and my father is Asian. They were both raised in San Angelo, Texas. I was born in Panamal City beach, Florida. My mother never had the chance to go to collage, my father did, after he and my mom got a divorce.She later married a cop and he married an accountant. I have some of the four most amazing people who care about me and are always by my side. Also its hard enough pleasing two parents try four, for most people this is 2 times as much parents on my damn back and sometimes I want to go crazy!