Status: started 6:00 may 10th

How Things Go From Bad to Worse

Chapter 3

That was 15 years ago. Now I am a 15 year old in my freshman year of high school. I am just a normal teen like most of you, but yes i do have my own unique problems and difficulties . I have A.D.D. and A.D.H.D. Its super hard but I manage. One point in my life though went down the drain. I was just so burnt out of school that I was failing 5/7 classes and was facing being in special ed classes. They told me that like it was a horrible place, like it was the one place no one wanted to be in. The people who were in those classes though were the most helpful people I know. The way Most people think of school is so stupid that it makes them sound idiotic. To me school it the way to be , not a way you have to be.Every one it good at something . It can be positive or negative. you could be good at smoking weed and that may be all that you know. There is nothing wrong with that . If that makes you happy so be it , but you have to understand that you are your own person and I realized this 2 minutes before I took my own life. It actually saved me.

My life was slipping along with my grades but I found myself partying more and happier than ever before but I was living for today but not tomorrows satisfactions. I would party late and I would smoke ciggs and drink ,because all of this though my parents were on me about school and not leaving so late or staying out too long. I was depressed because I was only good at drinking then ,I felt like I was so much more than that I was good at writing stories and I stopped writing . I had always been good at soccer and basketball, but I couldn't play cause of the ciggs made my chest tight and I couldn't breath for a while. I live in Atlanta Georgia - New York of the south. The city never sleeps the crime is endless, and the drugs are too.

One day I came home from school and got yelled at my a pissed off woman over the phone about my grades. My mom had done that plenty of times before but it just then became too much. I cried and cried and went into the kitchen and found a knife. I then looked at my reflection in the metal and I glanced but couldn't because I was scared of who I would see. Would I see a smart , talented , goody goody my parents wanted to see? Or would I see a trouble maker, a failure, a slacker? I wanted to see neither, I wanted to see a girl who was who she thought she was . I wanted to see me . I wanted to see a girl that was good at school but a total bad ass out side of it. I held the blade to my wrist and cried. Then I fell to the floor crying. Something had stopped me but what did?