Picture Perfect, More Or Less.

Pick Up, Please Pick Up...

[Numa and Carter are hanging out at Carter's house since his dad was out. They were waiting for their ride, because the biggest fucking party this century was about to start. They just hoped Ben and Slick had enough room in their truck. Carter was a bit nervous because it was a big party with a bunch of the popular people, but Numa was acting nice and cool. He was chilling on his phone, enjoying the warm night.]

Carter, taking out a cigarette: Who you texting? Nat?
Numa: Nah dude. Pass me one of those? (He casually bumps one out for Numa. Numa takes one, slightly impressed with the little trick.)
Carter: Well then, who? Ross? You telling him to get his skinny ass over here?
Numa, annoyed: Fuck no. He don't do parties, thinks he's too cool. I think he's with Bree anyways, being a couple of goody-two-shits.
Carter: ...So, who you texting?
Numa: Karla. (Carter looks at him cross.)
Carter: Ugh. She's not gonna be there, right?
Numa smiles: She's also riding with us, too. And I don't think Slice is gonna be there, either.
Carter, worried: Huh. I thought Slick and Slice did all their parties together... Wait, what are you so happy about? Karla's still Slice's girl, and besides, you've got Nat.
Numa: I know, I know. I just like flirting with her a little is all... And she likes it too. (He smiles with perversity, and Carter hopes he keeps his head straight. He suddenly gets a weird feeling in his stomach. He wishes Ross was there.) Hey... I think that's Ben's van.
Numa: Is it a creeper van?
Carter: Yeah.
Numa: Yup, that's Ben and Slick. Grab your shit. (The big, loud behemoth trudged its way up the little hill towards Carter's house, and they heard Slick call out the passenger's seat.)
Slick: Sup, bitches! Get in the back, chop-chop!
Numa, rearing up with Carter: Don't gotta tell us twice! Thanks for the ride! (He opens up the double doors in the back. There's a ton of people, two Mexican senior guys, a college girl who looked like a hooker, some punk-emo dude with long bangs smoking a joint, and a bunch of white juniors. A few Asians thrown in there, too. And, to Numa's dismay, no Karla. Yet. They squeeze into a seat, leaving literally no room left on the benches.)
Ben, cool and calm: Alright guys, I think the party's already started. We just gottta go pick up Slice's girl. (Slick grunts.)
Slick, talking to Ben: Why we picking this bitch up again? Mah boy Slice ain't even gonna be there.
Ben laughs: I don't know, she said she wanted to see her, ah, friends. (Ben looked back and winked at Numa quickly. Numa looked around. A few people were flirting, but other than that, everyone was minding their own business. Things were okay so far, but Carter seemed nervous.)
Numa: You alright, dude?
Carter: Yeah- (His voice cracks.)
Carter, clearing his throat: Yeah man. Just some pre-party jitters, ya know?
Numa, patting him on the back: Don't worry dude. We'll get you some drinks to calm your nerves once we get there. Maybe even a girl. Hell, maybe two! (They both laugh as the truck stops. He hears Slick mumble something, and then they hear flirty laughter. Numa quickly touches up his hair, his clothes, and checks his breath. Then he quickly looks casual as Karla opens both the doors. The whole time Carter notices what Numa's doing, and his sick feeling comes back.)
Numa, cool: Sup, Karla. (Karla looked around with a blank face. Looking from one side of the van to the other until finally looking at Numa. Then, she smiles and perks up flirtatiously.)
Karla, excited: Oh, Numa! I was hoping you'd be here! (She stepped in and sat on Numa's lap with no warning and made herself comfortable. Her well-endowed body made quite an entrance that even some of the taken ones turned their heads to admire her slim figure and robust features. Some of the guys shot Numa a thumbs up and made some sexual gestures teasingly. Karla's long black and blood-red hair hung down, over Numa's face.)
Karla: Happy to see me?
Carter, butting in: More than you can see.
Karla: Well, I can feel it just fine. (She laughs, and Numa goes to say something, but decides to just bask in the moment. His phone vibrates, and he quick checks, having to pull his face from Karla's back. "Nat," it says with a heart symbol next to it. He puts it back in his pocket. She can wait for a while.)

Slick: You bitches ain't sleepin yet, are ya? Good, 'cuz we're here. (Ben was already out and opening up the back, and everyone rushed out to get to the house where the lights and music were already pumping and people were already humping. Grinding, drinking, drugging, it was all going down. Everyone got out of the van to find their cliques, but Karla wouldn't let Numa get up.)
Numa, playfully: Come on, bitch! I wanna party!
Karla, pouting: Aww, but we can have our own party in here! (He pokes her sides and she squeaks and bounces up, along with the rest of her. Numa laughs and gets out, and Karla is close behind, holding onto his arm. Numa's feeling great, better than ever, but Carter feels like this is a shit storm waiting to happen. Oh well. He needed a drink anyways.)
Carter: You two be good now, I'm going to get a drink.
Karla: Oh, I'm always good! You have fun now, I hear Lexas is somewhere around here. (Karla sweeps Numa away, and Carter is left alone. Hearing that Lexas is here, he sddenly gets nervous and, again, wishes Ross was there. Hell, he'd settle for following Numa around. Fuck, now he's gotta mingle.)

[Carter goes over to the punch bowl and arrives just as they poor a whole bottle of alcohol into the bowl, which is fne with Carter. He waits for the two party-goers to pass and he picks up a cup and the ladle, and helps himself. He begins to drink, trying to look as chill and cool as possible, as if anyone's watching.]

Slice, yelling: Ay, Carter! My dude! (Carter gulps painfully as he hears Slice's voice, nearly choking and spitting up the drink. He turns over, wiping the tears of pain from his eyes.)
Carter, happy: Slice, my niggah! It's good to see a friendly face, this party is dead. (Carter, of course, lies. He just wants to sound like he's thrown better.)
Slice, eating it up: Right on, man. But you know what they say, stock up a place with some liquor and the ASS HOLES SOON FOLLOW! (Everyone nearby cheers. Carter and Slice laugh and give each other a thug-nificent embrace.)
Slice: A'ight, dude, nice, nice. Hey, you seen my boo Karla? (Carter's face becomes flushed white, as he realizes who he's talking to, and who Numa's talking to somewhere else on this property.)
Carter, nervously: Uhm... Nah, dude. I don't think she came.
Slice: Huh. That's weird. I told Slick to pick her up when he got you and Numa. I'll go ask him... (Carter desperately thinks of a way to keep Slice's attention.)
Carter blurts: So, uh, Slice! Tell us again about why they call you that, huh? EVERYONE GATHER AROUND, YOU'LL WANNA HEAR THIS SHIT. (Everyone in the perimeter laughs and gathers around the punch bowl, and Slice grabs a drink and begins his story. As he starts telling, Carter slips away. He had to find Numa and pry that bitch off him. He knew what Karla was like. He liked Slice, but he'd seen him angry before. And Numa didn't wanna fuck with that.)

[Numa felt like man of the fucking hour. Not only was he getting looks of envy from all the guys, but it was because Karla, hottest girls at the party, was all over him. He drank a little something, and was tearing up all the games. He was on a roll, too, being the center of attention in circles and telling stories that made everyone laugh and want another. Hell, if this keeps up he might have to make one up! He begins chugging another beer.]

Crowd: GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! (He dumps it into his gaping mouth and spills it on his shirt, throws the cup into the air, gives a hearty shout and everyone cheers. They advance and pick him up for a nice crowd surf, and soon another forms around Karla.)
Numa, shouting: HELL YEAH! WHO'S YOUR DADDY, BITCHES? (Although he's ready to get down, they keep him up until he notices they're bringing him and Karla towards the underground pool, lit up by all the lights at the bottom. Numa began to laugh and flail as people cheered on the crowd and the music became louder and louder. They threw him up into the air, and suddenly it hit him. Too bad he was already getting air.)
Numa: Fuck, my phone! (Sploosh! Oh well, he thinks. Already done. He comes up for air, and as he does, he sees them throwing Karla up into the air, and she shrieks until she crashes into the water. She comes up again, all wet, and Numa can see right through her soaked tank-top.)
Karla, excited: Oh my GOD, Numa! This is so much fun!
Numa: Right? I thought this party was going to be lame, but I- (He's interrupted as a cup is thrown into his head from the crowd. He jerks forward in reaction, and as he looks up he's right in Karla's face. They both stop talking for a moment. Carter notices the commotion from the other side of the property and runs over, just in time for the show.)
Carter shouts, but is drowned out by the crowd: Numa you fucking ass hole, STOP! (But he's too late. He watches in horror as he sees Karla's face crash into Numa's and they begin sucking face with no end in site. The whole crowd cheers as he grabs one of her breasts without taking his mouth away from her's. On the other side of him, he heard Slice finishing up his story. He was running out of time.)
Ben, walking up: Dude, what's Numa doing? Isn't that Slice's chick?
Carter: Uh, no, I don't think that's her.
Ben: No, that's totally Karla. Hope Slice don't see this shit. Hey, look, they're getting out. DAMN, they won't stop sucking face! (Carter becomes so pissed he thought he would start seeing red. This is Ross' job, not his! He was always the one to keep that bitch out of trouble. Oh God, what's gonna happen to Numa and Nat?)
Ben: Hey, Carter: Lexas is over there. She keeps looking at you.
Carter: Huh? (He looks over, and sees Lexas alone on a couch on the grass, looking amazing as usual. He sees her turn away just as her looks. He turns to Numa and Karla, then to Ben, then looks back at Lexas.)
Carter, sounding slightly angry: Well, can't keep a girl waiting. Tell Numa I said suit up before he fucks up.

Karla: God dammit, you're a fucking amazing kisser. You use that tongue better then Slice. (She crashed her face back into Numa's before he could even reply. So many things were racing through his head, but all he knew was that this was getting intense. They came down on one of the couches on the grass next to the pool, and things heated up more and more.)

(Slice approaches Ben.)
Slice: Hey man, you seen Karla? I ain't gotten any luvin' all day, dawg.
Ben, cool: Uh, she's with Numa, dude. Last I saw they were- (Slick comes from behind.)
Slick: Suckin' so much fuckin' face you thought that shit was a black hole! You blind muhfuckah? How you not see that shit?
Slice, not believing them: Nah dude. Karla wouldn't do that, and Numa and me are straight! He ain't never crossed me.
Slick: Aight dude. whatever you say.
Ben: I know what I saw, dude.
Slick: Yeah, listen to Ben's white ass. He speaks the truth. (Slice looks at them back to back and sees their serious expression, and then realizes nobody's around. They're all crowding over in one corner, chanting. He gets a dark look on his face and begins making his way over.)
Ben: Aw shit, dude. That bitch's about to get the horns.

[It kept getting better and better with Numa and Karla. Everyone was watching, and pretty soon they were rubbing against each other, Karla on top of him, beginning to take her shirt off until she was topless, proving that alcohol doesn't mix well with sexual frustration. THEN, she began undoing her pants.]

Numa: Whoa! Whoa whoa! (He makes half an attempt to get up, but she pushes his back to the couch and begins doing the job for him.)
Black guy: Whoa dude-
Guy: Holy shit-
Girl: It's...
Asian: Not a bad size, actually.
Another black guy: Bigger than mine.
Mexican: Not bad for a honkey.
(Soon Karla was doing all the work, and Numa was drunk, dazed, and confused. But soon, it became apparent to him. He was having sex. And it wasn't his girl. It was Slice's.)

[Speaking of Slice...]