A Little Bit Strong.


I woke up in a hospital bed. I couldn’t remember why I was here or how long I had been there. Jordin was asleep holding my hand, I could see Ryan walking into my room. I wiggled around, waking Jordin. His eyes were puffy, Ryan looked like a mess. He ran as soon as he seen my eyes open.

“Welcome back to us” Ryan said.
“You gave us quite a scare” Jordin said kissing my forhead.
“What happened” I asked. I was sore and it was hurting a little to move.
“You were in a car accident. You have been out the past three days.” Ryan said.
“You have a broken leg and some stitches. You hit your head, but other than that, you are pretty lucky” Jordin said.
“I’m going to go call Mom and Dad, they are your place resting” Ryan said walking out of the room.

“I’m so glad to see those brown eyes” Jordin said.
“I don’t remember anything that happened” I told him.
“It’s okay.” Jordin began “I’m just so happy you’re going to be okay”
“How’s the series” I asked.
“That doesn’t matter right now” He said “But it’s 3-1 for them”
“I love you Jordin” I said.
“I love you Avery” He said. He smiled and kissed me once again.

Both Jordin and Ryan were missing games, but since I was going to be okay, Ryan was leaving the morning to head back but he would be back as soon as hockey was over. When my parents came to the room, Jordin finally left to sleep and go to the rink afterwards.

“He barley left your side” My mother Anna told me.
“I like him” My father Ben said.
“I hate that this is how you guys had to meet him” I said.
“As long as you are going to be fine, we don’t care” Mom said.

It would be a few more days before I was able to go home. The doctors wanted to be positive everything was healing right. My parents left to go back home the day before I was being sent home. I had Jordin and the girls to help take care of me. The team had been in and out of my room, I had so many flowers and teddy bears. It was like being a apart of a huge family.

I was so happy when the doctor told me I was finally ready to go home. Jordin was helping me pack up, he seemed off to me, like he wasn’t himself. I knew he had been stressed out with the game and of course the accident. The doctor walked into my room. I was about to find out why I had been getting sick.

“Avery, you’re pregnancy test came back positive.” The doctor began. “I’m sorry, this is one of the hardest things to tell someone. But because of the trauma your body had, you miscarried”
“Thank you Dr. Fraser” I somehow got out. My fear did come true then it was gone. I didn’t know what to do or say. The doctor signed the papers to let me go and I just wanted to go home. I knew why Jordin was like this. After the doctor left, Jordin just hugged me and held me as I cried.

As soon as we got home, I just went right to our room and laid in bed. I didn’t want to do anything or see anyone. Jordin walked into the room. He put a pillow under my cast leg.
He sat on the bed beside me and wrapped his arms around me. I cried into his chest.
“I’m sorry” I told him.
“It’s not your fault” He began “I just want you to be okay and heathy. We can try again later on”

I ended up falling asleep. I was more tried then I though. I woke up and heard voices coming from downstairs. I grabbed my crutches and headed down. Mike and Carrie were in the living room with Jordin.
“How’s she doing” Carrie asked.
“She’s a bit of a mess. I can’t blame her. She was so worried that things would be different if she got pregnant then she did and lost it” Jordin.
“Things will be alright, once she gets fully healed. When the time is right, it will happen” Mike said.

“Hey there” Carrie said as she seen me walking into the living room. She got up and hugged me. “I knew you had a ton of flowers, so we decided to go for something different”.
A basket with chocolates and a few dvds.
“Thank you. This means alot” I said.
“How you feeling” Mike asked.
“Sore. Can’t wait to get this cast off” I said.

We sat around talking then soon they left and it was back to just Jordin and I. It was a little harder to cuddle now with this cast taking up so much room, but we managed. Jordin sat on the coach and I laid over his knees. In the middle of the movie, I looked at him.

“You keep asking how I’m done. How are you doing” I asked.
“I was more scared of losing you completely. Avery, you’re my world. I don’t know what I would do if I lost someone special again” He said.
“I shouldn’t have rushed out the door, I should have waited a little longer before leaving” I began. “I should have done more”
“Avery, this was not your fault. You had no control over this. When the time is right, things will fall into place again” Jordin said.
“I feel so bad” I told him.
“You will get through this. You will be okay” He told me, holding me close.

I woke up the next morning before Jordin. I tried as possible to be quite. I was standing in the bathroom, looking at my stomach, holding and touching it. There should be a little baby growing, I wanted to become a Mommy.

“Babe, you can’t keep doing this. It’s not good for you” Jordin said coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around me.
“I was so scared I was pregnant but then when he told me I was then lost it. I just wanted it more than ever” I told him.
“When the time is right, you will be a mother. You will make a wonderful one” He said. I smiled and turned around, kissing him.

Jordin had to leave again, but the girls would check in and stay over. Just to be there if i needed helped and to take me to the doctors for the check ups. I wanted more than anything for this cast to be off. Running was escape from everything and it was something else I wanted to do but couldn’t.
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enjoy. comments <3