Status: UNDER RECONSTRUCTION! (As of 10/16/2014)


*Kinemortophobia - Fear of the dead, or the no longer living*

For Taylor and Morgan Hallow, life was simple. Go to school, come home, do homework and you know...just live life right? Yeah, well that plan was thrown out the window as these deadly flesh eaters emerge and began causing chaos and havoc.

Zombies? Nope. Just a scientific disease that's turning all humans into these flesh eating, bone rotting species that loves to eat anything that still alive.

Thanks to the group of scientists that call themselves the "Apostle", the disease was spread throught the world, in hopes of killing off the old human race so that they can enter with the new and improved species: the BioSapien, aka Biohuman. This new scientific genetically altered human race has been created to be the perfect subspecies of human. They're super strong, intelligent and have reflexes that no ordinary human can posess. But an accident happened within the lab causing all their 'failed' experiments to run loose,only adding onto the chaos within the deteriating world.

Among the escaped are Carson and Dante, the first two of the biosapien race. Freed, they roam the rotten earth only to run into the Hallow sisters and together they set upon a journey to not only find a way to stop the disease from spreading but to rid the world of the zombie evil.