Sweet Like Honey


The moment I step out of the apartment Ryan slams the door and locks it behind me. I’m certain it’s just some kind of joke, probably Ryan’s way of getting out of a five mile hike. I knock on the window and yell, “Come on Ryan hiking is not that bad! Harvey likes it right!?” I pull out my keys but my copy is gone!

“What kind of a prank is this?”

Neither of them respond maybe they want to be left alone? If those two wanted to have the apartment to themselves they could have just asked me. I would not want to stick around while they . . . I shudder just thinking about what they want the apartment for.


Well if those two think they can shut me out of the apartment without telling me they are mistaken! I’ll make sure they don’t get to have time alone and I’ll drag Ryan on an eight mile hike! HA! I pound on the door and yell, “You are not getting out of this that easily Ryan.” I waited for him to come out on his own but he’s obviously asking me to drag him out by those luscious locks of his. The only thing he loves more than Harvey is that hair of his.

Suddenly, the window next to the door slides open and the two of them stand there triumphantly. Ryan pulls something out of his pocket and motions for me to take it.

“Will you two tell me what you’re up to?” I take the thing in his hand. A silver key to what . . . ? I look up and Harvey shoves one of my backpacks at me full of stuff.

“You now have the key to my apartment for the next three days,” says Ryan.

“No, you are not doing this to me!”

“It’s about time you confront your feelings,” says Harvey.

I feel sick just thinking about it. I am not going to spend three days alone with . . . him. I try to shove Ryan, the smaller one, out of the way and jump through the window. Harvey quickly grabs my leg and offsets my balance. The moment I fall backwards the window is slammed shut and Ryan makes faces at me through the glass.

“Please don’t do this to me!!”

Ryan ignores my pleas and closes the curtains. I can just sleep out here I mean I’ve slept out in the wilderness and that’s no big deal. Sleeping at a doorstep for the next three days sounds like a piece of cake compared to the boonies. After five minutes of sitting at the door step I realize that I’m hungry. He probably has food at his place. No no I’ll just wait here until Harvey or Ryan come out. They can’t stay in there forever.

Two hours later I give in to my appetite and walk over to his apartment. I knock on the door and think of all the excuses I can make up about the reasons I’m here. Harvey locked me out because Ryan convinced him that I was going to murder Ryan on our hike? I’m just stopping by to pick up Ryan? I’m stopping by because Ryan forgot his lunch and wanted me to pick it up?

The moment the door opens I forget all my excuses and just stare at him like a fool. He obviously just woke up because he’s rubbing the sleep out of his dark brown eyes and his light brown hair is pointing out in awkward angles. Oh and he’s in nothing but boxers. Wow he’s muscular and tan. Why can’t I look that good in the mornings? Why can’t I look that good in general? He stretches out and I can see his muscles flexing. I have to resist the urge to swoon but he makes it so hard.

“Um. . . what’s up,” he says practically yawning. I realize I’m acting like a school girl with a crush and wipe the stupid look off my face.

“Well . . . it’s a long story,” I respond with a slight giggle, the kind inserted into conversations when feeling awkward.

“I’ve got all day,” he smiles and the sleep in his eyes is instantly gone. If humans could melt I would be a pile of goo right now.

This is going to be an interesting three days.
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Just a little intro. Enjoy :)