Forever Fearless

Two teenaged girls, one a pale Snow-Walker/vampire type, the other a darker girl, walked into the recording studio. The lighter wore a black jacket, jeans, an MCR shirt, and an MCR messenger bag was slung across her wiry frame. She wrapped an arm over the other's shoulders. "Welp, Daya, here it is. Our chance."

'Daya'-Deana-nodded. "Yeah, Hoshi, but look at the circumstances." 'Hoshi' bit the inside of her lip. "Gerard's dead," she whispered, tears stinging the backs of her hazel eyes.

Frank stepped out from the soundproof room. The red rings and black crosses on his eyes had smeared. "Woah," he murmured, pulling a picture from his back pocket. "Okay, Emily, you're up."

Emily -formerly Hoshi- nodded. "Can Deana come with me? She convinced me to do this."

Frank smiled slightly. "Yeah, sure. What song are you gonna do?" he asked, and as the three entered, Ray's jaw dropped. "Just like him." Mikey whispered, and Bob nodded. "Desert Song. This one's for our hero, Gerard Way," Emily muttered, and began to sing, her voice cracking.

As the song ended, Emily turned, as did Deana, to face the other four. A silent tear destroyed Frank's makeup further. Ray's head was bowed in seeming reverence. Bob was staring silently ahead. Mikey stepped up, placing a hand on both girls' shoulders. "You two are pretty brave, doing this for us. We're making this into a tribute CD to him."

Emily nodded once. "We know."

Ray spoke up now. "Deana, you wanna sing for us?"

Deana smiled. "May I sing Helena?"

Mikey agreed, but upon hearing the title, Frank looked down. "Gerard...." he muttered, and turned, walking away. Bob blinked. "One of us should probably get him...."

Emily grinned slightly. "I'm on it!" she called, running after him. "Frankie! C'mon! We need you in the studio. It's been over six months."

Frank whipped around angrily. "Listen, I knew Ger....him for almost my whole life. I'm allowed to fucking cry," he growled, running a hand over his eyes.

Emily shook her head. "Whatever, Iero. I get it. But come back for this song, then you can run off," she bit, and walked away, Frank trailing behind her.

Deana half-smiled. "What'd you say, Hosh?"

Emily just winked.

As the music ended, Ray spoke into his microphone. "The Gerard Way tribute CD is finished. Frank is crying, Bob is twirling his drumsticks, Mikey is fiddling with his bass, I am reflecting, and the two girls you just heard are trying to calm Frank down. XOXO."