Status: ongoing c:

It All Started With Fear

Head Start

"Hey, Reena.. wake up! Hey, wake up! HEY!!!" Garrett violently shook me.

"Wha- what happened? Stop shaking me, you're making me dizzy" I blinked. He rolled his eyes and got his stuff. I rubbed my eyes and tried to catch up on what's happening.

So I'm still in the plane, but we have arrived in Arizona and the passengers are already standing up and getting their bags from the compartment above. Apparently, I fell asleep at the time wherein the guys are arguing wether a tomato is a fruit or a vegetable. Weird right?. And now, Garrett just violently shook me awake.

As soon as Garrett got out of the way, I stood up, got my backpack and followed the guys down to airport lobby.

"Where are you headed to by the way Reena?" Jared asked first.

"To my sister's house at Tempe" I answered.

"Really!? What a coincidence, that's where were going too!" John exclaimed.

"Really?" wow this is cool I mean my new found friends are actually going to the same place I'm going to. Is this God's blessing after all of those years of being forever alone?

"Yeah, but we have to go to our families first. Mine is in Gilbert so I would have to go there first before Tempe." Kennedy explained.

"Oh." I tried to hide my disappointment. I was expecting that I wouldn't be a loner going to Tempe now that I have new friends but.. oh well.

"I live in Tempe! I can go with you!" Jared offered.

"Wow, thanks!" I grinned. I may seem calm but deep inside I'm like: OHMYGOD THANK YOU I THOUGHT I WOULD BE A LONER BUT THANK YOU. Also, Jared seems a really nice (and cute) guy so I guess I would have fun
being with him.

"Garrett also lives in Tempe right? He should go with you guys too!" Pat said.

Uhhh this is going to be awkward. I think Garrett doesn't like me. I mean the other guys seem to like me, they are friendly to me but he isn't and he always roll his eyes when talking to me.

"See you guys in two weeks!" Pat said as we stood outside the airport saying our goodbyes to eachother. The guys left one by one until the three of us are the only ones left.

"Are we going to go now or...?" I asked

"My brother is going to pick us up, he should be here any minute now." Garrett answered plainly.

Like what a Garrett said, after a few minutes a Black Montero pulled up in front of us. Garrett and Jared immediately put their luggages at the back and hopped into the car

"Hi" I greeted Garrett's brother after getting in the car.

"Who's this?" Garrett's brother asked pointing his head to me.

"That's Reena, we met her at the plane. She's going to Tempe too so we brought her along." Garrett answered.

"Oh." Garrett's brother started driving "I'm Trey, Garrett's brother." he looked at me through the rear-view mirror.

"Hi, I'm Reena."

"Yeah, Garrett just told me that a few seconds ago." He smiled.

"Oh." I said, I leaned my head on the window and looked at the vast desert that is Arizona.

"Well, I'm here, that's a start." I mumbled as I fell asleep.

"OUCH" ugh I hit my head on the window again. I might have a few bruises after this ride.

I heard another "thump" but this time my head didn't head the window. My head hit something soft and warm actually I thought I hit a pillow or something.

But I was wrong.

My head rested on Jared's shoulders.

And I gotta say, he smells really good.
♠ ♠ ♠
Filler -____-
I'm very sorry if this chapter sucks
Anyway, have you guys seen John's Bamboozle vid already?
21 readers :((((((( it may be just a few to some of you (shucks rhyming)
legit tears of joy right now :')