Sequel: Star Crossed Lovers

Headfirst For Halos

Headfirst For Halos- Twenty

You walked into the room and turned on the stereo. Smile in your sleep by Silverstien was playing. You really wanted to get into to pajamas. It would make this easier if you were comfortable. Gerard had obviously gone through your bag and changed the pj's you brought. Now the monkey pajamas changed into black shorts and a black tank top. You looked at him.

" Gerard I liked the pajamas I picked out," You said almost laughing.

" Yeah but I like those better," He said giving you a dorky smile. You laughed and left the room to get changed. You walked in and Gerard whistled. You went over and bit him hard on the neck.

" Friggen vampire," He said clearly enjoying it.

" Eh you love it and you know it," You said about to walk away. Before you could though Gerard pulled you back and attacked your neck. ' Whose the vampire now?' you thought. It went on like that for 15 minutes before you both stopped in a fit of giggles. Knowing that tomorrow there would be huge hickey's on you necks. You then decided to tell Gerard the rest.

You had moved in with your Grandmother. You were completely dead on the inside. Since your parents didn't have enough time to write a while, you had gotten everything. Even your own private bank account that no one but you had access to. Soon you were in therapy again and back on pills. Public school began again. Your hopes were not high in making friends. You met a girl named Tracy though and couldn't help but be her friend. She just seemed to understand you. Finally you ended up telling her about your already screwed up life. She stuck by you too. Untill popularity was a big issue and she got into a fight with you about it. Eventually selling you out to the other kids who already hated you. It was all simple name calling at first. Then it got very violent. They kicked you beat you and even threw rocks at you. It was to much for an 11 and 12 year old to handle. Thats when cutting came into your life. You ended up in the hospital twice for attempted suicide, and was put on anti depressents. Then you felt like it was your fault your grandmother died. You had put her under so much stress. Then again you picked up your life and moved to your aunts. When you finished tears started forming.

" Kids are so cruel," Gerard said staring off into space. He looked at you and pulled you in his arms kissing the top of your head.

" I feel so lucky that we found eachother, like I don't no what I would do without the friends I've made and I would die without you," You said wiping tears away. The both of you fell asleep in each others arms knowing questions were for later.

*** Gerards P.O.V ***

I could tell that dream shook her up more then any other one. I didn't bother Roxy with it though. It just wasn't her day. She didn't want to be bothered. So I asked Mikey what could be wrong. He had no clue though.Later Roxy asked me about Mikey knowing. So I just told her the truth. Why lie? was what I was thinking. So she stayed with me and Matt for awhile. She was acting just like her normal self. I thought she was over the dream already. That is untill she left to go sit on the couch again. Everyone had left for Frankie's so I went over to her. She looked so cute curled up. I didn't say anything just held her in my arms. That is untill I figured the gang would be back soon so I brought her up to my room.

We had cuddled up again when I asked her about the dreams. Why the affected her the way they did. She sighed ay first but then launched into an explanation. I was shocked. I knew her parents had died but I didn't know it was so tragic. I waited untill she got a drink. I really wanted to hear what else this poor child could have gone through. She then figured out that I switched her pajamas. So I whistled at her when she came back. From there things got a litte out of hand and I knew there would be huge hickey's on both our necks. Soon she began to tell the rest of the story.

By the end of it I was in complete shock. Roxy had gone through so much shit. I didn't even think it was possible. I felt so bad. I didn't think one child could be that scarred that shortly in life. Also if she felt lucky she found all of us. I don't know what I feel about finding her. We needed eachother and I would never let her go. We both fell asleep that night , and I had so many questions. Also a way to try and make retelling the story better. It really hurt her to tell me and I knew that. So I had a plan.

//Normal P.O.V\\

You woke up feeling alot better. Well except for the pains in your neck. 'Did Gee really get me that bad?' you asked yourself. It had felt kind of good to tell someone that story. It was like something you had to get off your chest. You probably would trust no other person with that story. So Gerard was perfect. You looked over to him next to you. His eyes were open and he was looking at you. Clearly half asleep. He smiled groggily and got up. You really loved him. Every single thing about him. Even at your age when everything is immature puppy love you knew this was not it. It was some thing more.

You looked at his neck when his hair moved out of the way. Thos bite marks were very big hickey's now. You laughed and he looked over to you.

"What?" He asked wondering why you were laughing. You didn't say anything just pointed to the mirror. You started to get up now.

" Oh very nice Roxy, probably your best yet," He said. You laughed and gave him a good morning kiss.

" Your so sweet Gee," You said sarcasticly before leaving the room to shower. About an hour later you were doing your make up while Gerard watched.

" I always wondered why your mom lets me stay over," You said while doing your eyeshadow. Gerard shrugged.

" No clue I think she just likes you," He said still watching you.

" Can I put make up on you?" You asked when you were done. You thought Gerard would look awesome in it.

" Yeah sure why not," He said. This surprised you. So you sat him down on the toilet and got everything out from your giant makeup kit.

" I've always wondered what it would look like," He stated as your straddled him. You started laughing. You put on his eyeliner first. It looked so good. So you decided to add to it.You put on some dark brown eye shadow on his top and bottem lid. It looked so cute. Helping him up you showed him the mirror.

" Tada!" You said showing him his face.

" Woah I like it," he said surprised.

" Yes its very sexy," You said giving him a kiss on the cheek. You were a sucker for guys in eyeliner but he didn't need to know that.

"I remember once when no one was home I took my moms lipstick and started putting it on," He said while you were walking down the stairs. This made you laugh. You could imagine it in your head and it was adorable. The guys were up when you got down there. Ray was kicking Frankie's ass in some random video game while Matt watched. You and Gerard walked into the kitchen. Mikey was sitting on the counter eating pop tarts.

" Uh nice necks," He said to the both of you. You thanked him and went looking for the fruity pebbles. You found them and made a bowl for both you and Gerard.

" Gee who did that to your face it looks cool," He said pointing at the makeup.

" That was my work!" you said like Gerard was a piece of art.

" Yeah I figured Gee would just poke himself in the eye," He said acting like Gerard was not there. Gerard muttered "would not" before sarting his cereal.

" Come on lets go," Gerard said when you both finished eating. You tried to get an answer out of him but he wouldn't budge. Untill you got to your house.

" Okay we're going to the mall," He said. It was only a 20 minute walk from your house anyways. So you grabbed some money and went off. You and Gerards 6 month anneversary was next month anyways. You decided you would celebrate your 6 month and then years from there. So you wanted to find a veru good present. Since you didn't know the next time you would be at the mall. So you were going to be keeping a sharp eye out.

Inside the mall were alot of kids you knew. They stared at you and Gerard. Not really believing you two were sitll together. Thats when you remembered Scarlette. How could you have forgotten her. After all she put you through. Not only you but everyone else too. You brought this up to Gerard when you stopped in the food court.

" Do you remember Scarlette Gee?" You asked. He looked up at you in surprise.

" Yeah how could I forget?" He said.

" What ever happened to her?" You wondered outloud.

" Hmm I don't know its like she dissapeared," he replied. You agreed and decided to do some shopping. There were so many stores. You were determind to find something for Gerard. He was looking for a gift for you too. You could just tell. Finally you found something. Black jeans with a studded black belt with a black bat belt bukle. The jeans would fit him perfectly. So you bought the jeans while he was looking in the other direction. You got Gerard and left the store. As soon as you were about to leave you heard a voice shout your name.

" Roxy oh my god!" It screamed and you and Gerard turned around. The two girls standing in front of you looked slightly familiar.

" Its Scarlette remember me?" She asked.

" Oh how could I forget," you said trying to hide your sarcasms. Scarlette did look really different though. Her black hair was now blonde and her blue eyes were green, also she was extremely preppy. Not only that but she had an overly fake tan and it looked like she got a boob job. Suddenly you noticed the girl next to Scarlette eyeing Gerard. You took his hand and moved closer to him.

" Are you two like together?" She asked. The girl next to her looked at her strangely.

" Uh yeah.. we are," You answered. Clearly wanting to get out of there. You two continued taking. You were saying her name in an annoying Boston accent when the other girl came in.

" Are you Roxanne Frost?" She asked. You just nodded suddenly she had jumped on you. You pushed her off and looked at her like she was crazy.

" Roxy its Tracy, Tracy Holland," Tracy said. You mouth dropped wide open.