‹ Prequel: Nothing Left to Prove
Status: In progress

We Learned How to Love


“I feel like I had sex with the world’s fattest man, him on top then the bed rolled onto a freeway where I was subsequently run over by a whiskey truck,” Alana moaned holding her head as she stumbled into the van the next morning. She wasn’t having a dig at Josh with the first part of her sentence; the two didn’t have the previous night. They kissed a lot, kissed even more in the taxi which greatly annoyed the driver, felt each other up a little in the hotel lift but when they got to Alana’s room kissed each other goodbye and went their separate ways. The blonde wasn’t fairing much better as he was slumped in the middle seat against the window, his headache too much to even put music in his ears. Alana took the seat next to him as she didn’t feel like taking the one next to Stephen who had an amused grin on his face; he was unusually chipper for that time in the morning. He sent a smile to Jess in the back row who returned it stifling a laugh.

“What did you guys get up to after we went?” Brian asked curiously from the driver’s side, trying to stop John taking control of the music.

“Just partied, I don’t know about you Josh but I copped off with a right minger last night.” Even hung over Alana still had a lot of bite in her, Josh would have been hurt if he wasn’t already feeling so guilty. When he awoke that moment the memories of what he did and his feelings for Amber flashed through his mind making him feel even sicker than he already was. He turned his attention to the female only to briefly catch her send a wink his way, he wasn’t sure what It quite meant and he didn’t care all the much. After grunting a response, which is all anyone had gotten out of him that morning Josh took the time to look at Alana. It was obvious she was either hung over or ill; she was severely dressed down by her standards, a pair of too big black jeans and a white vest top which was loose and ill fitting. Her hair was a mess on the top of her head, many strands falling out the back and sides and there wasn’t one scrap of make up on her face. Her lips were naturally a nice pink colour and were plump enough, the red wasn’t a trick to make her lips look bigger they were all hers.

Alana perked up some after some coffee and McDonalds of which Brian complained about and was back to her brash self.

“Stephen do you have any other top on in your wardrobe? I swear you’ve worn the same grey V-neck every day for the last five years.”

“I don’t take the piss out of your wardrobe Alana.”

“That’s because I’m fucking amazing at dressing myself. You need queer eye for the straight
guy.” Alana turned her head to the side of the dressing room where a laughing sound came from John’s mouth.

“I would so pay to see Stephen on queer eyes for the straight guy.”

“Brian would be one of the queer guys,” Josh piped up as he entered the room, Alana stared at him briefly. He had changed into a black T shirt with a sleeveless denim jacket over the top,
the sleeves of his shirt nicely sat on Josh’s biceps and Alana found herself swallowing the
previous night’s events flooding back to her.

“Hey fuck you man!” Brian retorted doing up his long cream coloured coat ready for an interview.

“That makes you look like a gay flasher dude,” Josh commented opening a bag of chips which were on the table.

“Says the dude with bleach blonde hair,” he retorted but his comeback wasn’t as sharp and no one seemed to take any notice.

“Alana what are you going to do when tour ends?” John asked his cousin sitting next to her on the sofa; she shrugged and turned to the skinny brunette.

“Go back to New York, bum around, look for work the usual stuff.”

“Why did you leave the last job? Mom said you were getting good money.”

“There’s more to life than money Stephen,” Alana snapped back, her quitting her job was a sensitive subject so she always got defensive when someone mentioned it.

“Wow I never thought I’d hear that come out of your mouth,” he replied eyebrows high on his forehead.

“Sometimes you really underestimate me Stephen; I’m not this monster you depict me to be. It’s about time you stop making petty judgements about me and get to know me.” Alana stormed out of the room in a sudden change of mood. The atmosphere of the room was silent and awkward, everyone was looking at each other searching for someone to say or do something. Josh stood up from his chair after a few moments acknowledging the looks from his band mates.

“Well someone has to talk to her.” He didn’t know why he took the decision to follow a girl he could hardly stand but ended up keeping her tongue company the night before. Luckily Alana hadn’t gone far; he could only see her legs and her behind as the top half of her was in the van. Although the jeans she was wearing were a size too big he could easily see her ass and how it seemed to be bigger than the rest of body, it stuck out a lot the more he thought about it. His mind wandered over to Amber briefly, she had a very small behind but it was very pert and shapely, something Josh loved about her, he loved everything about her, but now she was gone.

“Amb… Alana?” Josh shook his head and snapped himself back to reality calling out the right name.

“What?” She shouted from the van not looking out once, Josh stepped forward and peered over seeing Alana caking her eyes with extra make up, a blush had been added to her cheeks and Josh saw a tube of lipstick which he automatically knew would be red.

“Why the dolling yourself up?”

“Felt naked without it,” she replied bluntly not turning to look at him, Josh didn’t understand, where did she get the sudden need to cake her face?

“Oh well I just…”

“If you’re here to talk about last night I’m really not interested in what you’ve got to say. I was drunk you were definitely drunk and shit happens.” Josh was shocked at how blunt Alana was, how she assumed he was there because he wanted something, when all he was doing was seeing if she was okay why he had no idea.

“You are really full of yourself aren’t you?” He crossed his arms over his chest but Alana didn’t look at him once instead removed her top and replaced it with something smaller and more fitting, Josh rolled his eyed and walked away, just when he thought there was some good in her she did something which made him change his mind. The blonde male shook his head as he walked away, heading back to the dressing room where the two brothers in his band were locked in a discussion.

“I don’t know John I really don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“I know you have your issues with her Stephen but she’s worked hard and after talking with her mum it seems like a really good idea.”

“Hey guys what’s going on?” Josh thought it best to make his presence known.

“They’re talking about Alana, that’s all I got out of it then I started eating some cupcakes and got a little side tracked.” Josh laughed at Jess’ response and turned to Brian who was listening intently but trying not to look obvious, it was failing badly.

“John wants Alana to go back to Arizona, Stephen isn’t too happy,” Brian commented as soon as Josh sat next to him, knowing what Josh wanted.

“Can you imagine her in AZ? Walking around Scottsdale in next to nothing trying to score with all the band guys there? It’s not going to work, she can’t get a job in New York where there’s a lot more opportunities, plus where will she stay? I’m not giving up my room.”

“Stephen just listen for a minute. Have you even spoken to aunt Liza? I don’t know the details, she didn’t tell me either that or she doesn’t know either and it sounds like shit went down. Liza thinks getting out of New York would be good for her I really think we owe her a chance, look how hard she’s worked this tour.”

“John I am not completely comfortable about this, she has problems and I don’t think we should try and take on board all of her problems it’s not up to us!” Stephen was putting up a fight but he knew it was a losing battle. Once John made his mind up about something he has going to do it, nothing was going to get in his way. Alana stepped back into the room having replaced her jeans with a tight black skirt which sat three inches above the knee. The old loose tank was gone also and instead she donned a red shirt patterned with white polka dots and it tied up exposing an inch of her stomach. She had cowboy boots on her feet and her lips matched her top. Stephen sent John a look but he wasn’t paying attention, instead he walked up to the red head and judging by Alana’s shocked facial expression everyone knew John had told her about his idea.
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I really love this story and I'm disappointed it's not doing that well, do people just not like Josh or is it badly written?