Status: hiatus

You Know It's Bad When...

You pass out in one place, and wake up in another.

Veronica Warren and Andrea Burnes are the crazy girls of California.
They part hard.
They drink their hearts out.
They have rock star boyfriends.
They are killing themselves.

But it's all they know.
Their mothers would party and come home dunk at two thirty in the morning when the girls were only a ripe age of nine. No babysitters or anything, just the girls.
So it was no surprise when the girls started to stay out late past their bedtimes.

Their latest dilemma would be passing out at a bar while at a stop on their boyfriends' tour.
Jimmy and Brian sung them over their backs, and had to carry them back to the tour bus.

"It's okay, it's okay, just let it out," I heard Brian say as I vomited into the toilet on the tour bus.
Brian was holding back my hair and stroking my back.

"Yeah there it is," I heard someone say in the back round. It must've been Matt because I heard a female voice, Val, yell and curse at him.

Once again I had found myself partying hard, and then paying the consequences.
It wasn't anything new really.

"Do you think she's done?" I heard someone say. I couldn't really understand what was going on since my eyes were almost closed and my head was painfully spinning.

"I want to lay down," I thought I said. I heard people go, 'what? what'd she say?'

My speech must be really slurred. Instead of trying to say it I grabbed a hold of what looked like the edge of the counter and hoisted my body up. I tripped and stumbled over my own fee trying to get to the bunks. I paused and found myself being lifted off of my feet by Brian's strong arms and carried towards the back of the bus. I could hear Jimmy and Andrea talking on the couch.

"Jimmy, I don't want to be here anymore! I want to go back! Take me back now!" she cried hysterically.

"Shh, Andrea, we are are back. It's okay now," he said calmly running his fingers through her hair and kissing her head as she cried into his chest.

Brian set me sown on the bed and sat down with me.
"Honey, this has gone a little too far. This is the third time you've passed out at a bar this month. When are you going to stop?" he asked concernedly.

"Whenever I fucking feel like it," I said.

I could see him start to get a little irritated, but I was struggling just to keep my eyes open. Then the overwhelming feeling of dizziness came over me, and I passed out.


The next morning I awoke with a painful headache.
But this is what I deserved for doing what I did, yet again.
I could hear the voices of many people outside of the bus.
So I got dressed in a black hoodie and jeans.
When I ventured to the front of the bus I saw Andrea popping some pain pills.

"Hey, wanna share?" I asked tiredly holding out my hand.

"Yeah, sure. We were so hammered last night because when I woke up and walked out here everyone laughed. We must've done some pretty dumb shit," she said putting two advils in my hand.

"Well, I feel like shit today, and I don't remember much, so yeah." I said, "C' mon. Let's go outside."

I grabbed my big Chanel sunglasses and slipped on a pair of white flip-flops and went outside with Andrea trailing behind me. I squinted in the sun and put my hood over my black hair.

"Well look who's up," said Brian.

I smiled and sat own next to him. He put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I'm really sorry Brian," I whispered in his ear.

"It's okay, but this is getting a little out of hand," he whispered back.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I really try to make things better, it's just so hard," I said trying to hold back tears even though I knew my huge sunglasses would hide them.

"Sometimes people need a little help, trust me I know," he said calmly.

"Aw come on, I didn't really do that! Did I?" shouted Andrea at Zacky.

"Yeah! I was watching you the whole time. You just got right up there and screamed it to the whole bar. But everyone got a kick out of it," he said barely being able to hold back his laughter.

"Oh my god," she said covering her face with her hands laughing embarrassingly.

"What'd she say? Did I miss something here?" I asked confused.

"While we were out last night your best friend here got up on the bar and screamed, 'I'm banging the drummer of Avenged Sevenfold and all you bitches are just jealous!'" he said in between fits of laughter.

"Why the fuck would you say something like that?!" I said laughing.

"I don't even remember saying it!" she said.

"She said it was because 'all the hoes were giving her dirty looks'. " said Jimmy.

"I must've made a complete ass out of myself," Andrea said shaking her head, "I'm probably lucky I didn't get myself arrested again,"

"Well that's nothing compared to what Veronica did," said Matt.

"Don't tell me. I don't think I wanna know what kind of things that I did this time. Last time was embarrassing enough." I said. I could feel tears forming in my eye, and I tried my hardest to blink them away, but they just spilled over.

"I need to go inside, nobody follow me." I said quietly getting up and walking into the bus alone.
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New story :]
I was watching T.V. when I came up with the idea for this one.
Feedback makes me smile!