Things Are Shaping Up to Be Pretty Odd

Pretty Odd

Sitting in front of the stage, a small one in Las Vegas, on the strip it was called Devan's Bar and at the moment it was full to the brim with people, I rolled my eyes as Tatum, or Tay ran on stage with a smile.

"Girls and boys, ladies and Gentleman! I would like to introduce the one and the only, Panic at the Disco," she yelled and began clapping, before she left she added quickly. "Without the exclamation mark!"

I giggled and stood up from my seat and took off for the office, where Tay was walking. "Nice one girly," I explained as I walked in.

"Devan, it's freaking Panic at the disco, I panicked, literally!" She laughed, closing the door behind her. “I’m sorry, but there amazing…”

“I know, that’s why I booked them.” I nodded as I sat in the wheelie chair behind my desk.

“Well, aren’t you amazing?” She took a seat right on the edge of the desk and looked at the wall of pictures she was facing. “Wow, who would have thought that your bar would have become so popular?”

“No one, it’s amazing.”

“Yep.” Tay picked up the picture that we just took and pinned it up on the wall next to the one with us and Fall Out Boy. “God, he’s so cute…”

“Who?” I stood up and looked at the picture with her.

“Ryan.” She pointed to the young looking one and smiled softly.

"Eh," I said shrugging my shoulder as I grabbed up a couple papers, right before the door was knocked on. "Tay get that please."

"Alright," She said as she walked over to the door and grabbed the handle, swinging it open she screamed happily. "Pete!"

"Pete?" I mumbled as I looked up and smiled at Pete Wentz. "Hey man."

“Hey to you, too.” He smiled and pulled Tay off of him. “So, how’s Panic?”

“We just let ‘em on. They’ll be done in, like, forty minutes.” Tatum nodded.

“Oh, okay. Just came get Ryan, him and I are going out clubbing after the show.” Pete sat down in the chair Tay was previously sitting it.

“Oh, sounds like fun.” I laughed.

“You guys want to come?” Pete looked at Tatum and me.

“Nah, we have to close up today.” Tay sighed. “Fun…”

“Tay, why don’t you go with ‘em?” I nudged her shoulder.

“No, I want to stay here and help you close up, I’m not gonna leave you to close up by yourself.” Tatum shook her head.

“Alright then.” Pete nodded. “So what’s up?”

“Nothing much.” I shook my head. “Same old, same old.”

"That boring?" he asked as he leaned up against the desk, I glanced over and nodded my head while going through the papers on my desk.

"You have no idea," I grumbled as I threw a couple papers away. "People annoy me, that's why I'm stuck back here most days."

"You need to get out, get a boyfriend," Pete said emphasizing the 'Boyfriend' part of his sentence, which made me look up and narrow my eyes. "I'm just saying since that break-up with Patrick."

"Men are hard to figure out, they say that girls are the ones that you can't understand," I rhetorically said as I stood up and put the papers in the filing cabinet.

"Not all men, and not all women," Pete said as he stood up and walked over. "Let me set you up on a date Dev."

"Alright, once though," I said poking his chest. "Once."

"Me too!" Tatum yelled. "I want a blind date, not blind but you get what I'm saying."

“Yeah.” Pete nodded, laughing. “But you guys have to promise not to get mad at me if you don’t like who I give you.”

“We promise.” Tay and I nodded and said together.

“Okay, so, tomorrow?”

“Yeah, that should be good. The bar isn’t open tomorrow anyway, we have to clean up that morning.” I added.

“Perfect. So I’ll send them to your house at seven, then.” Pete grinned excitedly.

“Alright. So formal or casual?” Tatum asked.

“Not too formal, not too casual.” Pete shook his hand from side to side. “Got it?”

“Yeppers.” Tay laughed and I nodded.

"We're totally fucked aren't we?" I asked as Pete left the room, in search for Ryan and his band mates.

"Yes we are," Tatum mumbled under her breathe.

"I do don't listen to that little voice in my head that says Don't do it Devan, don't fucking do it! so...yeah." I mumbled as I sat back down.
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Comment! Co-Written by Kayci!