Things Are Shaping Up to Be Pretty Odd

Pretty Odd

“So you did fuck?!” I cackled.

"No!" Tatum screamed

"So did."

"Did not!"

"You did."

"Shut up Dev!"

“I will not be silenced!” I shouted.

“You will if I jam my fist in your mouth,” Tessa sat up and growled.

“Stop fighting, I don’t want to break anything up,” Brendon shouted, holding back from laughing.

"Why not?" I asked kindly

"Because it’s to fun to watch," He grinned until the backside of my hand hit his tummy. "Ow..."

"Tough love," Tatum grinned. “Devan, you are a bitch.”

“Yes, I know,” I smiled. “And a hungry one at that. Where can a girl get something to eat around her?”

“Food is usually in the kitchen,” Spencer scoffed as Jon trudged out of a room.

“What’s with the screaming?” Jon mumbled. “And Ryan and Tatum in their underwear?”

"We think they bumped uglies last night," I yawned as I skipped into the kitchen.

"She kidding?" Jon asked wide eyed.


"Seriously?" he asked wide eyed.

“Yes, but it hasn’t been proven yet,” I shook my head, Pete running in the kitchen. “When the hell did you get here?”

“Just a few seconds ago, but did I hear that Tay and Ryan did the nasty?” He said excitedly.

"We think," I grumbled grabbing an apple.

"We didn't!" Ryan screamed from the living room, I giggled as Pete grinned.

"He so did."

“Nuh-uh!” He screamed, Tay giggling in the background.

“Prove it!” I shouted back.

“How the hell do I do that?” Ryan whined.

"Uh..." I started then shrugged. "I dunno, find a way then tell me."

"I don't know of a way!"

"Well I suggest you find out a way!" I shouted back.

“God, Bitch!” He stomped into the kitchen. “Why can’t you just believe me?”

“Because I don’t trust you or Tatum,” I shrugged.

“Hey, that’s not nice,” Tay whined and walked in behind Ryan.

"I love you like the sister I never had Tay, but I don't trust you with him."

"Rudeness," she grumbled as she sat on my legs. "Just for that, I'm going to squish you."

"Oh I feel the love."

“You should,” She smirked. “I’m hungry, what’s for breakfast?”

“Whatever you make,” Spencer pointed to the fridge.

“You know, it really isn’t the brightest of ideas to let Tatum cook breakfast,” I shook my head rapidly.

"It isn't?" Spencer asked slowly as he looked from me to Tatum.

"Definitely not," I said nodding my head. "Jon, get her away from the oven."

"Why?" he asked as he looked up from the refrigerator. "What will she do?"

"Burn the house down."

“Oh shit!” Spencer yelled and pulled Tatum over to the table.

“I will not burn the house down,” Tay pouted childishly and sat down.

“Yes you will, remember when we were in the bar and you almost set Angel on fire?” I lectured.

“That was a freak accident!” Tatum shook her head. “It won’t happen again!”

“I don’t trust you,” I sighed as she mumbled something.

"I don't trust you with it either," she shot back.

"I cook all the time," I laughed as I leaned back in my chair.
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Me lub juu!