Things Are Shaping Up to Be Pretty Odd

Pretty Odd

"By the way I should call Angel."

"Why?" Brendon asked confused as he turned to Tatum then to me.

"I have to go to work tonight, its Saturday so it's a busy night."

“That and the fact we’ve book Cobra Starship,” Tay grinned. “I can’t wait to see Gabe again!”

“Again?” Brendon looked at me.

“They’ve played at the bar before, Gabe loves Tatum,” I laughed, Ryan tilting his head to the side and pouting. “Mutually, of course.”

“Oh,” Brendon and Ryan said together and nodded.

"And Vicky is connected to Devan's hip, they act like twins when there around each other," Tatum laughed as she poked me. "But not as bad as her and Travis."

"What's with you and Travis?" Spencer asked

"He always tries to make me giggle or laugh really hard," I sighed "Especially when he messes with my neck and sides."

“That why I love Travie, we both love to fuck with you!” Tay smirked.

“How many people on the FBR label do you know?” Jon looked at Tatum and I.

“Well, let’s see,” I began. “Fall Out Boy, Panic, Cobra Starship, Gym Class Heroes, The Academy is…”

“And Cute is What We Aim For, I had a fling with Shaant,” Tay mumbled.

"I still don't know how you did that," I said in surprise as I pointed to her. "I still say Curse of Curves is a song about you and him."

"It is not!" she said throwing a banana at me.

"Fine, fine, well I know Good Charlotte too, and Avenged Sevenfold," I explained nodding my head.

"Devan and Brian had a thing while he and his girlfriend took a break," Tatum giggled. “While he was away from his other girlfriend. But now their back together! Payge is such a sweet heart.”

“They got married,” I nodded.

“Yep!” Tay nodded. “And Zacky and Jay are next!”

“Enough with all the damn bands!” Jon whined. “You guys are confusing me!”

"Sorry, we know too many people," I laughed as I pushed Jon. "Jealousy's the cousin, the cousin of greed."

"Ohhh burn!" Ryan yelled laughing as he and Tatum stood and danced around singing 'Curse of Curves'

“That is my song!” Tay laughed and covered her mouth. “Whoops, wasn’t supposed to say that.”

“I knew it!” I jumped up and laughed.

“Yeah, yeah. Shaant told me, no big deal,” Tatum waved me away and continued dancing around like an idiot.

"But you admitted it!" I yelled throwing my fist in the air. "Boyah bitch!"

"Shut up," she laughed as she pointed to me. "Patric-"

"Shut up," I glared.

“No, no, Patrick what?” Brendon gazed over to Tatum.

“Patrick dated Devan, and all the band claims that I’m Like a Lawyer is about her!” She squealed.

“Yeah, but I don’t believe their bullshit,” I shook my head.

“Oh, come on!” Tay groaned. “You know it was about you, just like you knew Curse of Curves is about me.”

"He ditched me, why would he write a song about me?" I said raising my eyebrows.

"He's not over you," almost everyone at the same time said nodding their heads.

"Oh fuck off, I'm not going through that again," I closed my eyes. "I barely got Angel to listen to me when he wanted to pound him, how would I get him to listen to me if I said I was dating him again?"

“He wouldn’t, but he’d get over it eventually,” Tay shrugged. “He got over Shaant and I dating again.”

“What?” Ryan turned to Tatum, jaw dropped.

“I never said we only dated once,” She blushed. “Sorry, only three times, though. I swear.”

“Really?” Ryan looked to me and asked.

“Yep, and I know they’re not getting back together,” I shook my head.

"Oh," he shrugged

"Whoever said I wanted to get back with Patrick?" I asked suddenly as I looked at Tatum. "Not happening."

"I know," Tatum grinned as she leaned back in her chair. "We should probably go."

“Yeah, Angel is gonna shit when he hears all that’s happened,” I laughed as Tay and I stood up and kissed Ryan and Brendon goodbye.

“Wow,” Tatum said, giggling slightly as we exited the house and entered our car. “That was quite possibly the best sleepover ever.”

“Yeah, because you fucked Ryan!” I sang.