Things Are Shaping Up to Be Pretty Odd

Pretty Odd

I can't, I like Brendon Boyd Urie, singer of Panic At The Disco, the guy with the bowl shaped hair cut and big puffy lips, not Patrick Martin Stump the singer of Fall Out Boy, the guy with the adorable red hair and trucker hat, no, that's done and passed.

"Here you go," Patrick sat the plate in my lap, I smiled and blew him a kiss as I picked up the toast piece.

"Thanks Patty."

"Don't call me that," he pointed at me and glared, well at least that hasn't changed.

"You love it," I giggled.

“Well,” He blushed slightly. “Maybe I do.”

“Same old Patrick. Some things never change,” I shook my head, smiling as I took a bite of my toast.

"Not a lot has," he nodded his head as he shrugged his shoulders, stealing a piece of toast from the plate. "I still love Neyo, I love your eyes, Pete still annoys the shit out of me."

"That will never change," I giggled as I shook my head.

"Never," he chuckled. “Oh, and Tatum still can scare the living shit out of me.”

“Oh, yeah!” I laughed. “Makes me think of when we were watching The Hills Have Eyes and Tay ran in with a butter knife! You jumped up onto my lap and almost had a heart attack!”

“I remember that!” Patrick began laughing as well, like we used to.

"Yeah, I swear you're face went three shades of white I've never seen," I laughed as I leaned up to breathe in. "Damn I'm going to choke."

"Don't choke," Patrick laughed as he sat up. "Okay what about the time when Pete painted 'Coolest Loser' on Tatum's face and she didn't know it was there until three in the afternoon, and she got him back by writing 'I love penis' on his forehead with permanent marker."

"Oh god!" I laughed, I completely forgot about that.

“And then Joe took pictures of them both and posted them all over the internet?” Patrick added.

“Oh my god, they got so angry!” I began cracking up hysterically; leaning on Patrick’s should so I didn’t fall over.

"So angry they threatened to murder him unless he took them down," Patrick laughed as he clutched my knee to support his laughter.

"My god that's been so long," I laughed lightly as I leaned up to meet his gaze. "I remember when we used to be the butt of their jokes."

“Yeah,” Patrick nodded and blushed, our faces only centimeters apart.

“Uh,” I blushed as well as both of us looked away. “Me and Tay have to get to work.”

“Oh, okay,” Patrick stood up. “Have fun!”

“I’ll try, it’s hard when you work with Tatum and Angel.”

"Oh come on there not that bad," he laughed as I stood up and walked out to the living room.

"Tay we gotta go"

"Oh," she jumped up and laughed as Joe launched at her feet to make her fall and landed on his face. "Let's go, bye guys!"

"Bye," they all laughed as we walked out to my car, as soon as I started the car I sighed.

"We have a problem."

“And that would be?”

“I think I still love Patrick.”

“What!?” Tay screamed at the top of her lungs. “What the fuck!? This better be a joke!”

“I-it’s not,” I shook my head solemnly. “Just hanging out with him this morning, I dunno. It made me miss the old days.”

“Well, this could be bad. Very, very bad…”

"You think?" I asked sarcastically as I parked in front of the bar. "I don't want to fall for him again, I like Brendon."

"Then love Brendon!"

"I can't help it Tatum! I can't choice who I love!" I yelled as I jumped out of the car and slammed the door. "I like Brendon, I really, really do, I'm just so confused because I thought I was over Patrick!"

“I thought you were, too,” Tay nodded as her and I walked into the bar, me stopping to hang up my coat.

“Well, hello, ladies.”

“Oh shit…” Tatum mumbled.

“What?” I turned to look at her and saw Angel sitting at a table and talking to none other than Shaant Hacikyan.
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