Things Are Shaping Up to Be Pretty Odd

Pretty Odd

-----Movie Theater-----

“I want to see Shutter,” Shaant exclaimed.

“No! Let’s see Juno!” Tay spat back.

“Horton Hears a Who!” Angel and Diablo laughed at the same time.

"Meet the Spartans," I grinned as I rocked back and forth, as soon as we arrived Diablo took the keys from me and kissed my cheek while explaining 'You are to never touch my steering wheel again' sweetly.

"Eh," they all said then shrugged.

"Fine, how about...that new Superhero Movie," I giggled. "Drake Bell plays a funny guy."

“Yes!” Everyone said at the same time as I walked up to the ticket counter.

“Five for Superhero Movie.”

-----Movie End-----

“Ha, priceless,” Tay laughed as we all walked out to the car.

“That was absolutely awesome!” I added, everyone climbing into the car.

"Devan," Diablo whined as he leaned his head down, outside the car. "Get the popcorn from my dreads, damn you Tatum."

"That's what you get when you laugh at my snorting," she defended as she smiled. "A bucket full of buttery popcorn over your head."

I giggled as I sat on the hood and patted in front of me. "Come here and lean back."


“What happened to Tay?” Diablo looked around.

“She’s sleeping,” Shaant pointed to his shoulder where Tatum was passed out. “Adorable as ever.”

“You still like her, Shaant?” I frowned slightly.

“I don’t even know…”

"Please don't, I really don't want to kick your ass again," I whined as I leaned on Diablo's side.

"Last time you caught me on a bad day, I was sick!"

"Yes, with ego inflation, she doesn't need someone who will buck on her every time you see a new girl that you want to screw, she needs someone there for her Shaant," I sighed and stood straight. "Be her friend, but nothing more."

"You can't tell me what to do."

"What are we? Five?" I scoffed. "And no I can't, but I suggested it because it would be better than having her heartbroken."

“Yeah, I want what’s best for her,” Shaant nodded. “And it must not be me.”

“See? That’s the way to behave. Just take it like the girl you are.” I laughed.

“Yeah, fuck you, too,” Shaant glared at me.

"Couldn't if you begged," I grinned and winked as I linked my arm with Diablo and ran for my room, Diablo laughed at my comment and covered it with a cough.

"That was a good one," he held his hand out for a high five as he shut the door.

"I know, because I'm just that awesome," I laughed and sighed. "I can't stand him."


“He just didn’t deserve Tatum. She was head over heels for him and he treated her like shit,” I sighed. “And I could bet you a million dollars that she still loves him.”

“Yes, but not for long,” Diablo smiled. “She has Ryan, now.”

“And he’s so much better for her,” I agreed.

"What about Brendon?" he asked serious now, his smile faded and his lips lined in a perfect line.

"She doesn't like him like that," I said confused as I turned to him.

"No, no," he laughed shaking his head. "To you, do you love him?"

"I don't know," I laughed as I shrugged my shoulders. "I've only been out with him around three times."

"Do you like him?"

"Yeah, he's pretty awesome."

"Why didn't we ever give it a try?" he asked shyly as he played with his hands. "Us I mean."

"Because we lead such different lives Dee," I smiled. "I think we might have worked if we tried it once upon a time."

“Once upon a time?”

“Way back when we both went along the same track,” I explained. “Back when we we’re living one life. Now we’re two entirely separate people, with our own lives to lead. It just wouldn’t work, not now…”

"We could make it work..." he said softly then sighed. "Sorry about that, just never mind, I don't want to make us uncomfortable."

"I'm sorry Diablo," I whispered looking down at my hands. "Maybe if...I didn't have two men in my life right now."

“Yeah, it’s hard enough as it is with two,” Diablo smiled as we both walked back into the living room.

“Hey,” Angel waved. “Shaant fell asleep, too.”

“Oh great,” I smirked. “Let’s draw on his face!”

“No,” Andy shook his head. “They have an interview tomorrow, Pete would be so mad at you.”

"Andy, answer this for me," I said slowly. "When is Pete not mad at me?"

"You have a point," he sighed. "I had nothing to do with it."

"Good, walk to your room."

"Way ahead of you," he ran up the steps and shut his door loudly, causing Shaant to snore louder, I grinned and looked at Diablo, he smiled back and ran to the desk for a marker.
♠ ♠ ♠
Let's draw on Shaant's face!