Things Are Shaping Up to Be Pretty Odd

Pretty Odd

---Five Minutes Later---

"We're good," Diablo smiled as we walked up to my room, he locked the door and fell on my bed, we painted Shaant's face with markers, all over.

"Yes we are, good as dead but it was defiantly worth it."

“Agreed,” Diablo nodded, us hearing Pete walk in. We both poked out heads slightly out the door as he saw Shaant.

“What the fuck?” He mumbled, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He turned to Andy, who shrugged. “Why?”

“I dunno, I didn’t touch him,” Andy explained, Pete sighing and shaking Tay.

“What?” Tatum sat up and looked down to Shaant, her jaw dropped. "I didn't do it."

"That leaves one, psychotic bitch," Pete started up the steps, Diablo pulled me in and locked the door while laughing.

"You're dead!"

"I know!" I laughed and held my chest. "Do me a favor and give Tatum my favorite shirt, she's wanted it for years."

"Alright, can I have you're bar?"

"No that's Angel's, but I'll give you my car and whatever else," I sighed as Pete banged on the door. "It's been nice knowing you Diablo, I love you."

"I love you too Dev, I'll miss you."

"Farewell my love," I whispered as I pulled the door open, ducked under Pete's arm and ran down the steps. "Fire!!! Run! Run! Run!" Shaant flew from his seat and ran after me, but I didn't stop I ran down the street for my bad, Angel would save me, wouldn't he?

He fucking better.

But, you know what? He never did. I ran for half an hour, finally tiring out and letting Shaant carry me back.

“I hate you,” He said as we walked down the street.

“I know.”

“Just checking.”

"Why check when I remind you all the damn time?"

"Because I just needed another reminder, damn."

"Why do you hate me so much?" I asked slowly.

"Because you hate me, you're rude, you're obnoxious, a bitch and most of all fucking hot."

"Wait..." I said narrowing my eyes. "Are you kidding me?"


“Why would you just openly admit that?”

"Dunno," he shrugged. "But I don't think I should have."

"Yeah, really no."

"Sorry," he shrugged.

“It’s fine,” I said softly. Great, one more guy that likes me. Damn my good looks. I began laughing at my thoughts.

“What’s so funny?” Shaant asked.

"Tatum's going to kill me," I laughed as I threw my arms up. "Four guys, four fucking guys? What do you see in me? I'm not that fucking pretty!"

"Au contraire Devan," Shaant sat me on a bench chair in the park. "You're beautiful, and four damn girl!"

"Brendon, Patrick, You and Diablo, what is in the water?" I whined. "Poor Tatum, she can't even get one and I can't get them to leave me alone! Why?"

"Oh you're being ridic-"

"I'm being practical, why is everyone liking me when I don't want them too! And why at the same time? Patrick starts hi adorableness and I melt into a puddle because he's just so cute, Brendon flaunts his 'could give a shit less' attitude and he's so likeable, then Diablo is adorable and sweet and has the prettiest eyes, and then you, we hate each other or I thought we did!"

"You need some liquor..."

“No, I need all guys to die.”

“That’s a little harsh, dontcha think?”

“No,” I shrugged.

"Oh come on."

"No, I'm seriously thinking that! It would be so much easier."

"Then how would you have sex? I know you're no lez."

"True...damn it."

“See? You need guys,” Shaant sighed as he carried me into the house and dropped me on the couch.

“Hi!” Tay waved at me and grinned. “How was the walk?”

“Uh…” I shrugged. “Fine?”

“Well, Brendon called, wanted to know if you were working tonight,” Tatum explain.

“Did you tell him that I am?”

“I said you were off,” Tay smiled. “I’ll cover for you, you and Brendon need to go out. You know, spend some time together.”

"Thank god," I whispered laying back.