Things Are Shaping Up to Be Pretty Odd

Pretty Odd

"Now what?"

"That all I get?" he pouted his bottom lip, I sighed and scratched my head. "Something's wrong."


"Yes there is," he nodded sitting on the edge of his bed, he patted beside him. "Come talk to me about it."

“I don’t know if I should,” I shook my head.

“Well, why not?”

“It kinda… Involves you…” I sighed.

“Oh,” Brendon said softly. “Well, have you talked about it with anybody yet?”

“Not really,” I shook my head as he hugged my side.

“Maybe you should talk about it with Tay?” Brendon suggested.

"She doesn't understand at all," I sighed

"Well, what about Spencer? He's really good at listening, he does the whole lips sealed thing afterwards, won't tell a word."

"I don't know," I bit my lip.

"Spencer!" he yelled

“Yes?” He poked his head in the door.

“Talk to Devan about feelings!” Brendon demanded, pushing Spencer on the bed next to me and walking out of the room.

“Well,” Spencer sighed after a few minutes of silence. “This is kinda awkward.”

"I tried to tell him I didn't think you would want to listen to my problems," I sighed sitting back.

"Your right," he then grinned. "But I'd do it anyway for a friend."

"Nah, its okay."

"Speak," he narrowed his eyes. "I'm here to listen."

“Okay,” I took a deep breath. “I really like Brendon. But I’ve been thinking about Patrick a lot lately and I don’t think I’m over him. And now Shaant is saying that he likes me and just… Uggg!”

“Wow,” Spencer said, wide eyed. “Sounds like you’re in trouble.”

“Ya think?” I glared at him. “I just don’t know what to do…”

"Me either," he sat his chin on his palm while his elbow rest on his knee. "Who do you like more?"

"Oh right and Diablo is waiting for us to have a time," I huffed and rubbed my face. "I don't know to tell you honestly, I just wish that maybe no one liked me at all."

"That wouldn't be fun would it?"

“That would make life a whole hell of a lot easier,” I mumbled. “Maybe I should just… Stay single?”

“But you don’t want to hurt Brendon,”

“No,” I sighed. “And that’s what making everything all the worse.”

"Pros and cons," he cleared his throat and leaned back against the wall. "Patrick first, then Shaant, then Brendon then whoever the hell Diablo is."

"Angel's brother," I nodded my head.

"Right, start now with Patrick."

“Pros of Patrick,” I sighed. “He’s really cute. Smart. Sweet. Nice. Uh…”

“Uh?” Spencer laughed slightly.

“I’m thinking!” I insisted. “He’s a talented musician.”

“That it?”

“Yeah,” I said.

“Okay, time for the cons.”

"He's lied to me, cheated one, plays the guilt trip on me," I sighed

"That it?"

"I think."

"Now Shaant."

"I hate him," I said simply. "He annoys me, he's hateful, rude and a jackass."

"I thought we were doing pros first?"

“I don’t have any pros for him,” I growled.

“Well, then why are you worried about him?”

“I just…” I began. “I don’t know, actually.”

"Okay..." he said slowly."Skip to Brendon."

"I like how sweet he is, how adorable he can be when he's pouting, how helpful he is, how concerned," I smiled softly. "And a bunch others like how his lips feel, but I know you don't want to hear that."

"Thank you," he smiled.


“Um,” I thought for a moment. “Tons of girls fantasize about him. That’s kinda freaky.”

“Anything else?” Spencer sighed at my strangeness.

“Nah, think that’s it,” I shook my head.

“Now Diablo, right?”

“Yep,” I nodded.


"He's very sweet, lets me get away with anything, he's super caring, he likes to make me feel like his attention is always on me," I sighed.


"He's younger, he's barely around, he's got other girls flocking at his beck and call."

“Well,” Spencer began. “Sounds like Brendon should win this debate. But, then again, I’m not the one dating him.”

“I would hope not,” I laughed slightly. “I guess I just won’t worry about the other guys right now. Just push that to the back of my brain for the moment.

"That would sound pretty good," he nodded his head. "But then again if all else goes fucked, go with that devil dude."

"He hates that," I sighed. "Diablo, not devil dude."


"Shut up," I laughed and pushed him off the bed. He stood up as we both walked back out into the living room.