Things Are Shaping Up to Be Pretty Odd

Pretty Odd

“Hey, are we gonna go?” Brendon looked up to me and smiled.

“Yeah,” I grinned at him. “Let’s go!”

"Yeah!" Brendon shouted like a moron and jumped up and down. "Dude, you know who were gonna go and see?"


"Mark Hoppus!" Ryan shouted and jumped up and down with Brendon.

"You guys are mental."

“Maybe so,” Brendon grinned. “But you love us anyway!”

“True,” I sighed as he and Ryan pulled me out the door and to their car.

"So..." Ryan grinned.

"Is Mark awesome as he seems?" I asked randomly. "I never had a chance to meet him, Tatum has."

“Why haven’t you?” Brendon looked to me and Ryan pulled the car out of the drive way.

“Tay is always out on the floor, I’m always in the office,” I explained. “She’s met so many people that I haven’t.”

“Then why don’t you waitress?”

"Have you seen me waitress?" I turned to them both. "It's scary as fuck, I've injured people."

"Really?" Ryan asked

"Yeah, this guy went to the hospital when I dropped a glass mug on his head, he had a concussion."

“Smooth move,” Ryan laughed.

“Shut the hell up, Ryan,” I growled. “I’d like to see you do better!”

“I bet I could.”

“Is that a challenge?” I smirked.

“It might be.”

"I bet someone ends up hurt by the end of the night," I sighed as Ryan put on his apron, we decided that we would have a contest at the bar, I had my apron on that read 'Owner' on top and under it 'Devan' while I held a tray in my hands.

"Yep," Tatum nodded.

“Why do I have to wear a girl’s apron?” Ryan whined.

“Because Angel needs his and Tay’s was the only one left,” I shrugged, smirking slightly. “Be glad I didn’t make you wear the rest of the uniform.”

“And that would be?” Brendon looked over to me and Tatum.

“Short skirt and tight tank top.”


"Yes," I grinned. "Oh is right."

"You are a..."

"Warden is what Tay said," I sighed with a smirk. "Get to work Ryry."

“Yes, ma’am,” he nodded and walked onto the floor.

“This’ll be interesting,” Tay jumped onto a bar stool and watched Ryan weave through the tables.

“Very,” Brendon sat next to her and smiled.

“You get out there, too,” Tatum waved me to the floor, making me sigh. I was never good at this, and have Brendon watch isn’t helping.

I looked over at a table, and instantly growned at the sight of Ville Valo and Bam Margera's grins. "Hey guys."

"Well Devan you sure look good in a apron and mini-skirt," Ville smiled as he held his hand out, I grabbed it and he kissed it. "It's good to see you and Tatum again."

"Good to see you too Ville, Bam please tell me you're not going to fuck up my bar, I have everything clean and not broken."

“I’ll try not,” Bam smirked. “I don’t have Knoxville or Dunn with me, so everything should be good.”

“Ville!” Tay screamed and jumped on poor Ville. “I’ve missed you!” She kissed his forehead.

“Yes, I missed you, too,” Ville mumbled. “But don’t kill me.”

"Sorry, sorry it's just good to see a familiar face!" she grinned and stood beside me.

"You see familiar faces all the time," I reminded her with a laugh. "But it's cool, I was happy, I just didn't about cause HIM there lead singer."

“Yes, I know I see familiar faces a lot,” Tay grinned and pinched Ville’s cheek. “But none as pretty as his!”

“Alright, it’s getting weird,” Bam shook his head.

"I agree," I mumbled and pushed Tatum away, far away, over to Brendon, then walked back. "Okay what do you guys want to drink?"

"Jager," they both stated making me laugh.

"Can you handle it boys?"

"Can you?"

"Hell yeah," I grinned. "What girl that owns a bar can't handle the alcohol she serves to her customers?"

“Tay,” Bam laughed. “Remember last time I was here?”

“Oh, and she ended up passed out on the bar?” Ville looked to Bam.

“Yeah!” Bam nodded and smiled.

“Alright, so Tatum can’t hold her alcohol for shit, but that doesn’t mean I can’t,” I insisted.

"Then show us."
♠ ♠ ♠
Bam and Ville<333