Things Are Shaping Up to Be Pretty Odd

Pretty Odd

-----Closing Time-----

“So, now it’s time to count who got more tips!” Brendon grinned as he got Ryan’s and Tay got my tips.

"I have two hundred and three," Brendon said holding up his wad.

"Three hundred even," Tatum said holding up mine.

"How in the hell!"

"She knows to be friendly, and to not break glasses over peoples tables," Tatum sent Ryan a teasing look.

“Damn,” Ryan mumbled and pouted, Tay hugging him.

“Don’t be sad,” She kissed his cheek.

“Congrats,” Brendon kissed my forehead. “You’ve managed to out serve Ryan.”

"I've always wanted to say this," I cleared my throat and turned to Ryan. "You just got served, punk!"

"You are seriously insane," he said wide eyed.

“So?” I shrugged and turned around to look at Bam and Ville. They were talking to Angel at the bar, Bam almost falling off his chair. “Drunk, Bam?”

“Huh?” He looked up to me confused.

"I'll take that as a yes," I sighed and reached in his back pocket.

"Whoa, buy me a drink first," he giggled as he leaned his head on the counter.

"Shut up you moron, I'm taking you home," I rolled my eyes and pulled out his Lamborghini’s keys.

“My home is in Pennsylvania,” He mumbled.

“Oh shit, your right,” I mumbled. “Well then you’re coming to the house.”

“Andy is gonna be mad at you!” Tay sang.

"He'll get over it," I sighed and shifted my arm around Bam's back. "We don't want Bam dying or killing anyone from driving drunk, I'll get my way to heaven and kick his ass before he does that."

"I'll help you," Angel walked around the counter and helped me with Ville.

“Well, then,” Tay sighed. “I guess we’ll see you boys later. Bye!”

“Bye,” Ryan and Brendon said, waving as Angel, Tay, and I drug Ville and Bam to the car.
"Bam work with me," I groaned as I twisted his left leg to fit in the back. "I swear I'll tell Missy and she'll kick you're ass."

"Don't do that," he slurred.

“I’ve got her number!” Tay held up her phone.

“Umph,” Bam threw himself into the seat next to Ville, who had managed to get himself in.

"Devan love, we have a hotel room," Ville yawned and stretched out his legs over Bam's lap.


"I can't seem to remember at the moment," he sighed.

“Well, Ville, sweetie, your no help,” I shook my head and smiled softly. He sighed and began mumbling. “It’s fine if you guys stay at our house, I promise.”

“As long as Missy doesn’t hunt me down,” Tatum climbed into the back with Ville and Bam as Angel and I got into the front seats.

“Wow, your hot,” Bam mumbled and laid his head on Tay’s shoulder.

“Please get me home,” Tatum groaned. “Before Bam rapes me.”

"He won't he's married and he knows Missy will cut his dick off and feed it to Novak," I glanced at Bam. "Right Brandon?"

"Don't call me that," he groaned and leaned backwards. "Good night."

“Night, Bam,” I smiled, Bam closing his eyes.

“I don’t understand how you can put people to sleep like that,” Tay looked at Bam, who was almost asleep already.

"It's a gift," I grinned and looked at Ville, while Angel pulled up to our house. "Time to get out Ville."

"I'm ready love."

“That’s great,” I nodded as Tay hopped off Bam’s lap and Angel picked him up. I laughed and got out as well, Tatum and I pulling Ville out and into the house.

“Couch,” Tay said plainly as we dropped Ville.

“Comfy…” He mumbled.

"I should hope so, I paid big bucks for it so if you throw up on it you're buying me a new one Valo," I pointed at him, only to get a flick of his wrist in return.

"He's so drunk," Tatum sighed.

“Obviously,” I said as Angel sat Bam in the chair next to Ville.

“This isn’t Pennsylvania,” Bam mumbled, looking around.

“No, dipshit,” Tay shook her head. “It’s California.”

“W-when and how did I get here?”

"She's fucking with you," I chuckled and patted his head. "We're in Nevada moron, you came here today I think."

"Oh," he mumbled. "Where's Missy?"

“In Philly, Bam,” I nodded.

“And where is that?”

“Oh geez,” I slapped my forehead. “Just go to sleep.”

“Uh, alright,” He shrugged and closed his eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wasted, much?