Things Are Shaping Up to Be Pretty Odd

Pretty Odd

"What a moron," I laughed as I turned to Angel and Tatum. "Angel you can stay here if you want."

"But he can stay with you, not me."

“Alright,” Tay nodded. “I call Ville!”

“No fair! I didn’t know we were picking roomies!” I whined.

“Well, we are. And you get Bam,” She smirked.

"I know how Bam is thank you never much, but now I have Angel too, come on give me a break!"

"Fine take Ville," she sighed. "He's a gentleman."

“C’mon, Ville,” I nudged his shoulder; he obediently stood up and followed Angel and I to my room. I took a quick glace back to see Tay helping Bam up as she shot me dirty looks.

“I hate you.”

"You love me because you gave me Ville," I stuck my tongue out and helped Angel get Ville up the stairs.

"Should I even ask?" Andy opened his door with sleepy eyes. "Or should I wait for the morning?"

"Morning," Angel and I both said.

“Okay,” Andy nodded, smiling slightly and walked back out of the room.


“Hey,” Tay looked up to Angel, Ville, and I. She sat with Bam at the table, sipping coffee and rubbing Bam’s back. “Someone has one mother fucker of a hang-over.”

“I can tell,” I nodded, laughing as I opened the fridge and Ville sat down next to Bam.

"Don't worry Bammy, I have one too," Ville patted Bam's back. "A big fucking one."

"Tylenol Angel?" I asked laughing slightly, Angel nodded with a laugh and walked to the cupboard for Tylenol.

“You two just need some more sleep,” Tay insisted. “Go back to be, both of you.”

“Okay,” Bam grumbled, standing up and walking back into the bedroom.

“Ville,” Tatum cut her eyes at him. “You too.”

"But I feel better," he whined.

"Ville Valo," we both said at the same time, cocking our hips and putting our hands on them firmly. "Now."

"Jesus," he sighed. "If I wasn't so hung over that would turn me on."

"Dude," Angel shook his head laughing. "Go sleep."

“Someone come lay with me,” He whined, looking at me.


“Oh,” He shifted his gaze to Tay. “Please?”

"No," she shook her head.

"Girls," he whined.

"Five minutes, you touch me, you die," I said pointing to him. "So don't even try."

“She told you,” Tay laughed.

“What are you laughing about?” I turned to her and smirked. “Your coming, too.”


"No I'm not," she laughed.

"Oh come on, don't feed me to the sharks!"

“Fine,” She took a deep breath and blew it out hard. “But you owe me.”

“Whatever you want!” I nodded.

“Good,” She smirked as we all walked into the bedroom Bam wasn’t occupying.

"Should I be scared?" I asked as I laid on Ville's side.

"Maybe." she grinned

"Well shit."

“Don’t worry girls,” Ville sighed as Tay laid on his other side. “I won’t do anything, I promise.”

“Okay, we’re trusting you,” I mumbled as we all closed our eyes and laid in silence for a few minutes.