Things Are Shaping Up to Be Pretty Odd

Pretty Odd

-----Devan’s Bar; Two hours later-----

“Haha, I know,” I laughed as I heard stomping to the bar.

“Bitch.” Tay glared at me. “You left me. With Andy and Joe.”

"You told me too," I groaned as I leaned against Ville.

"I didn't think you would!" She screamed. “I thought you were gonna get Ville and Bam into the car and you were gonna come back to save me! But you didn’t!”

“I’m sorry?” I shrugged as she cut her eyes at me.

"Fuck. You."

"No, I'll pass," I grinned and patted her head. "Sorry, what did they do?"

“Joe made me watch Elmo Live… Five times…” She growled. “Then Andy made me cook him three different exotic meals. I will kill them.”

I burst out laughing. Tay stared at me.

“And you.”

"And me what?"

"I will you kill you."

"Well aren't we a ray of sunshine," I said sarcastically.

“I watch Elmo for five hours!” She stomped childishly. “You watch that for five hours and see if your still happy!”

“Well, roar,” I laughed, making her huff and puff.

"I will roar! Angel!"

"Uh..." he looked up from under the bar. "Yeah?"

"You're dead too."

“Why?” He asked.

“Because you didn’t help me.”

“Devan forced me to leave you!” Angel cried. “It wasn’t my fault!”

"You have a backbone don't you!"

"Not around Devan!"

“Damnit! You’re all worthless!” Tay yelled and sat on the bar counter.

“Not completely,” I insisted.


"No, because I can make screwdrivers and you can't," I grinned.

"That's one."

“Because I can keep a boyfriend longer than a month.”

“And that’s two.”

"Should I continue?"

"What are we doing?" Bam asked walking up to the bar, fully sober.

“Lecturing Tay on how much better Devan is,” Angel nodded. “Do you agree?”

“Yep!” Bam nodded, grinning.

“Fuck you, too,” Tatum mumbled and slapped the back of Bam’s head.

"She's not bad," I sighed. "She's just...clueless."

“A fucking idiot,” Bam corrected. Tay narrowed her eyes and kicked him in the shin. “Bitch!”

“That’s what you get!”

"I'll agree with her," I nodded and punched his arm. "That was just plain rude."

"And that wasn't!"

"Never said it wasn't."

“You people suck,” Bam whined and stomped away from us and over to Ville.

“He’s too sensitive,” I shook my head.

“I feel bad for Missy.”

"Me too, its like having a twenty something year old son."

“But he’s cute,” Tatum sighed. “Which makes everything better, I’m sure.”

"I guess so," I shrugged. "Still, I'd be pissed."

"I guess you're right."

“Stop talking about me!” Bam whined.

“We’re not talking about you,” I lied.

"Are too."

"Are not."

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Prove it bitch!"

“You’re talking about how cute I am!” Bam screamed. “I’m not deaf!”

“Well,” I huffed.

"Shouldn't you be happy?"

"Well," he shrugged. "Not when you're talking about me behind my back, good or bad it's rude."

“Sorry, Bam,” Tay frowned. “We love you.”

“And I love you, too,” Bam sighed.

"You better!" I giggled

"I have to or you and Missy would hurt me."

“Yes,” I nodded. “Yes we would.”

“And that’s exactly why I love you,” Bam stated.

“We’ve whipped him,” Tatum giggled.

"Bo-yah!" I yelled high fiving Tatum, who laughed and punched the air.