Things Are Shaping Up to Be Pretty Odd

Pretty Odd

“What’s with the cheering?” Ryan asked, laughing slightly as him and Brendon walked into the door.

“Ryan!” Tay screamed and jumped on his hips.

"And she was wanting me--" Ville stopped when I shot him a look. "Well, let's just say she forgets easily."

"Yes lets," I nodded.

“Memory loss,” Tatum nodded. “I fell out of a tree.”

“That would explain a lot,” Ville laughed as Brendon hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"She's slightly brain-dead," I shrugged. "It's the reason I tell her she left certain things in other places just to see that puzzled look on her face."

"I'm not brain-dead!" she yelled then stopped. "You do?"

“Um,” I thought for a moment. “No!”

“Oh, alright then.”

"She's so slow..." I whispered shaking my head.

"Am not."

"Are too..."

“Okay, I have moments when I can be a complete retard. But don’t forget that I was, in fact, accepted to Harvard.”

“What?!” Everyone’s jaw dropped but mine.

"Yes, she's smart, book smart."

"Street smart isn't my thing, or common knowledge."

"But ask her shit that you can't even think to know the answer and she knows it."

“Who was the inventor of microwave popcorn?” Brendon shot her a quick question.

“Percy Spencer,” Tay nodded.

"See," I pointed at her. "She'll pop it out like pop corn."

“I’m a fucking genius,” Tay grinned.

“Yes, you are,” I agreed and laughed.

"What?" Ville asked confused.

"Are you always so...out of it?" I asked

“I might be,” He nodded, Tay jumping off Ryan and rubbing the top of Ville’s head.

“But it’s okay,” She reassured. “We love you just the way you are.”


"It’s a good thing, you're pretty and you have a nice voice," I nodded holding my thumbs up.

“What about me?” Brendon looked down to me.

“Your gorgeous and have an amazing voice,” I smiled and kissed him softly.

"I get pretty, he gets gorgeous, I get a great voice and he has an amazing one," Ville sighed. "Great, I've lost my touch."

“He’s my boyfriend,” I pointed out.



"Don't make me talk anymore than I have too, I'm still hung over."

"Oh," I giggled.

“Yeah, well maybe you shouldn’t have drank so much last night, eh?” Tay laughed.

“Fuck you,” He flipped Tatum off and buried his face in his arm.

"Someone's shying away!"

"Tatum," I chuckled and shook my head.

“What?” She shrugged and grinned sheepishly.

“Nothing,” I laughed and looked back up to Brendon. “What are you guys doing here?”

“We can’t come to visit our girlfriends?” Brendon smiled at me.

"Oh," I grinned. "Sorry, I'm just so frazzled."

"It's okay," he laughed as he kissed my cheek then my forehead.

“Tay?” Ville chimed in.


“Why didn’t you go to college?”

“It just wasn’t my thing. I’m not really the type of person for that, the whole study thing,” Tatum shrugged. “I’m a party person, but that doesn’t get you your degree.”

"It does in 'How many can you down in an hour' class," I grinned

"Bite me."

“I will not,” I shook my head. “And you’re not just a partier.”

“Yes I am! I would never do my homework,” Tay shook her head.

“That’s a little much.”



"Ever," she nodded.

"You're a bad student, I bet your teachers hated you," I nodded slowly.


“Well, great,” Ryan mumbled. “I have no clue what you guys are talking about.”

“It’s nothing,” Tatum shook her head and kissed Ryan’s cheek.

“Don’t worry,” I added.

"I'm not because once again, I have no clue what you're talking about," he repeated.

"Okay," I shrugged and walked over to Angel. "Are you locking up tonight?"

“Why not, I’m sure Tay won’t even be working,” Angel sighed and I looked over to Tatum, who nodded.

“I deserve a day off.”

"Yes you do," I said nodding my head as I turned back to Angel. "Tomorrow is you're day off, I'll bartend."

"You bartend?"

"Yes Ryan, she bartends," Angel laughed

“And I’m pretty good, too,” I smiled triumphantly.

“Better than me,” Tay nodded.

“Yes,” I laughed. “Because you can only drop glasses all over.”

"Yeah well," she grumbled

"Anyway, Angel you got tomorrow off."

"I'll come in but I'll party, Diablo will be my designated driver," Angel explained nodding his head.

“Great,” I sighed, thinking about having to confront Diablo.

“And I’m sure Shaant will be here,” Tay added. “I have to waitress.”

“And then the boys,” The boys being Patrick, Andy, Joe, and Pete. “Will be here, too.”

"You have to be kidding me!" I yelled wide eyed. "I'm fucked."


"Angel," I said as I pointed to the office. "Can I speak with you?"


“Yes,” I nodded and pulled him away.