Things Are Shaping Up to Be Pretty Odd

Pretty Odd


"Nothing," I said as I drug Angel into the office. "All of them, in this same place!"

“Well, now’s the perfect time to break the news to the rest of them,” Angel shrugged.

“But I can’t!”

“Why not?”

“I don’t know who I want!”

"Well now you're confusing me," he scratched his head.

"Tell me about it, my mind is nonstop!"

"Pick me and then everyone can go fuck themselves and we can just be friends and run this son of a bitch?"

"You're a moron."

“What?” He laughed. “In all seriousness, just think about things that make you happy. Things you love. And the guy that comes up is who you should pick.”



"Your too weird for words babe," I nodded solemnly.

"Yes well, that's why you hired me."

“True,” I nodded and smiled, both of us walking back out to the bar area.

“So?” Tay leaned over and glared at me.

“So what?”

"So what the hell was that!" she shrieked

"She was telling me a secret, Shhh."

"Fuck off Angel, not talking you Blondie."

“Well, fuck you too, bitch,” Angel pouted.

“I don’t have to, Ryan would,” Tay grinned and pointed to Ryan, who looked around helplessly.

"I'm so out of the loop here," he sighed.

"Just grin and nod," Angel instructed. "And Tatum, shut up and go fuck him if you feel the need to broadcast it."

“For your information, I haven’t yet!” Tay stuck out her tongue.

“Wow, a new record,” Angel laughed, Tatum cutting her eyes at him.

"Bitch," she mumbled

"Whore," he retorted

"Son of a bitch!"

"Daughter of a whore."

"Mother fucker."


"Lint Licker!" that caused everyone to burst out laughing, including Angel at Tatum's choice of words.

“I fell asleep watching South Park,” Tay explained.


"Oh what?" Ville walked up with Bam beside him.

"Huh?" I turned and grinned. "Hi ho."

“No, I’m confused,” Ville whined.

“Oh well,” Tay shrugged. “Me and Ryan are gonna go, you people make my brain hurt.”

"Yes well I hurt my own brain," I sighed as I shrugged. "Bye guys."


“Yay, two less people to confuse!” I laughed.

“Only four more to go!” Brendon added.

"Yeah," I shrugged. "Ready to go?"


“Okay,” I smiled as we both walked out to the car. I climbed in and looked in the back, finding Ryan and Tay sitting patiently. “Uh, hi?”

“Brendon is my ride,” Ryan explained.

"Well," I said slowly as I turned around. "Hi then."


“What’s your game plan for tonight, B-Den?” Tay looked to Brendon, who was getting into the drivers seat.

“I dunno…”

"You and Dev getting it on?"

"What?" I asked turning around. “Fuck off Tatum."

“Well, since he has nothing else planned, why not!” She shrugged and smiled.

“I don’t think so,” I shook my head. “I’m sure it’ll be you and Ryan before it’s me and Brendon.”

"Why's that?" Ryan asked innocently.

"Because I'm not ready for that," I said sternly.

“She’s still a virgin."