Things Are Shaping Up to Be Pretty Odd

Pretty Odd

"Why are they still here by the way?" I mumbled

"Because they don't know this isn't there house and that we want sleep, humor them."

“Okay,” I nodded and jumped on the couch, next to Brendon. “Hey, babe.”

“Hey,” He smiled at me.

"Sup?" I asked holding out a sideways peace sign to him and Ryan.

“Waiting for you two,” Ryan nodded. “Your gonna sleep over our house tonight.”

“When did we decide this?” I frowned and looked to Brendon.

"Well..." Tatum spoke up. "I kinda did earlier."

"I can't guys, I have to open up shop tomorrow at seven to get the new cases of beers, and then I have to clean and get ready to give Angel a day off."

“C’mon!” Brendon pouted and whined. “Please?”

“I don’t know,” I sighed and shook my head.


"Brendon," I said slowly. "I can't, maybe after tomorrow."


“Brendon, no!”

“Dev…” He frowned adorably at me, making me sigh.

"Tomorrow," I said sternly after I looked away, damn puppy dog eyes.

“Devan,” He sniffed and started crying.

“Don’t cry,” I glanced over my shoulder at him.

“He’s faking,” Ryan explained, making Brendon glare at him.


"I'm sorry," Ryan chuckled as I rolled my eyes.

"Idiots," I mumbled sitting back. "All men...idiots."

“But we love men,” Tay pointed out.

“And women need men,” Ryan nodded.

"No they don't, its a want not a need," I said nodding.

"Woman can't reproduce by themselves," Brendon grinned proudly.

"But I'm not planning to reproduce soon so, ha!"

“But you will eventually,” Tay pointed out.

“And how would you know?” I cut my eyes at her.

"You love kids."

"True," I mumbled as I sat back, what would Brendon's kids look like with mine? Adorable...I sighed and then thought about Diablo or Angel's children, and giggled. Mean asses.

“What’s so funny?” Brendon cocked an eyebrow at me.

“Nothing,” I shook my head of my thoughts.

"You laughed at something," he hesitantly waved his hand in front of my face. "Tell it sister."

"Nothing..." I said slowly

“You’re a horrible liar,” Brendon said plainly.

“Maybe so…” I mumbled.

"What was your thinking about Miss Devan?" Ryan asked as he leaned forward. "Sexy Brendon in a guy thong?"

"I'm sorry but that would have made me shudder."


“Sorry,” I held my hands up in defense. “But it would!”

“Whatever,” Brendon pouted.

"I mean would you like to see me in a thong?"

"Yes I would," he nodded frantically.

"My god men would fuck a fence post if it had boobs and..." I sighed and shook my head.

“You make stupid statements,” Tay shook her head. “Of course any guy will say they’d like to see you in a thong.”

“Not all guys,” I insisted and looked to Ryan. “Ryan, would you like to see Tay in a thong?”

Ryan looked to Tatum, then back to me, nodding rapidly.

"Strange..." I mumbled patting my fingers together out of confusion. "I asked Angel and he said no that thongs are butt floss."

"Well they kinda are..."

"Then why on god's green earth would anyone in their right mind want to see someone picking at their ass crack?" I asked loudly.