Things Are Shaping Up to Be Pretty Odd

Pretty Odd

“You never know.”

"How so?"

"I've done it in the kitchen," I said then looked around at the shocked faces. "Well not exactly done it per say, I came close though."

"With who!"

"Patrick," I nodded slowly. "Right before he left to film the 'Sugar we're going down' video."

"You were old?" she asked slowly.

"Old enough to stop myself," I batted my eyelashes.

“I can’t believe you!” She spat. “How could you have not told me? That’s as bad as me not telling you that Ryan and I-“ She stopped.

“You what?!”

"Nothing..." she said slowly as she glanced at Ryan.

"Right," I rolled my eyes and sat back. "I didn't tell you because I was embarrassed, Patrick was gentlemanly though, he told me he was sorry and brought back roses when the video was over."

"That's why he gave you roses!"

“Yes, that was why,” I nodded. “And that was very sweet.”

“I’m feeling uncomfortable talking about your ex,” Brendon mumbled.

"He's one of your friends?"

"That's the main reason," He mumbled as he looked at Ryan.

"I'm sorry," I pouted my lips. "If it makes you feel any better, we never did do anything; I mean I'm still..."

"The virgin Mary," Tatum said with an innocent smile.

“Haha, yeah,” I scoffed sarcastically and stuck out my tongue at her. “Unlike you.”

“I’m not a slut, I haven’t had sex in quite a while, since I broke up with Shaant.”

"Just thinking of Shaant having sex really makes my stomach protest at the thought, I think I'm allergic to the guy, he really annoys the shit out of me."

"Yet he lo-"

"Who wants ice cream?" I shouted

“Me!” Brendon and Ryan raised their hands and shouted at the same time.

“Ha, alright,” I nodded as we all walked into the kitchen.

"Did I say something bad?"

"Yes you fucking did! I mean seriously Tatum, don't say that stuff in front of Brendon, I mean I'd like to keep my dilemma to myself and you and Angel and Spencer."


"He's their psychiatrist."

“Why didn’t I know that?” Tay shrugged.

“Cause you never pay attention,” I shook my head and smiled.

"Good point Devvy," she nodded. "But I'd like to see how much he'd pay for my visits."

"You mean you pay?"

"No babe, I'll be handing details, he'll be paying me for more," she purred and laughed at my confused look. "I'm just fuckin' with ya."

“I was gonna say,” I sighed and held my hand over my heart.

“Nah, I love Ryan,” Tay smiled softly.

“And does he know?”


"You should tell him."

"Nah, that'll run him off."

"Won't," I shook my head.

“Will,” She retorted.

“No, it won’t,” I looked to her. “If he feels like you do, and I’m sure he does, he’ll do anything but run.”

"He might run," she urged

"I'll close line him at the door," I threw my arms out. "Just tell him."

“Alright,” She took a deep breath and walked out into the living room with me, sitting on Ryan’s lap.

“Go on,” I urged her quietly. She nodded and cleared her throat.

“Um,” She mumbled. “I-I just want to tell Ryan… I-I love you.”

"You do?" he asked as I walked over to the archway to the door.

"Yes," she glanced up at me as I nodded. "You're not gonna run are you?"

“Why would I run?” He smiled widely and kissed her. “I love you, too!”

“Ryan…” Tay said softly, her eyes tearing up.

"I didn't expect that but that's awesome," I grinned as I backed away from the archway.

“Ryan! I love you!” Tatum laughed and pulled Ryan into a tight hug, tackling him to the couch. “I fucking love you!”