Things Are Shaping Up to Be Pretty Odd

Pretty Odd

"Coke?" Pete asked as I handed him the one I got out for myself. "Tank you Devvy."

"Welcome Petey."

“Weirdo,” Tay shook her head. “Hey, Pete, are you happy you helped two of your best friends find love?”

I glared at her as she smiled at Pete. "Uh duh!" Pete yelled as he sat up drinking the coke. "It's awesome, I'm a great matchmaker."

“In your own little world, Petey,” I giggled.

“My little world is awesome,” Pete stuck out his tongue at me and grinned.

"Mine is too, it has hot guys everywhere and they feed me grapes and fan me with feathers," I sighed dreamily. "And Johnny Depp loves me."

"My God you're more nuts than I thought," Joe whispered.

“Well, my world is perfect!” Tay giggled. “With Zack, Ryan, and Orlando!”

“The city?” Ryan asked.

“The person!”

"Bloom," I corrected poor Ryan. "Orlando Bloom."

"Oh," he pouted his lips.

"Yep, mines Johnny Depp, Jonathan Rhys Meyers and of course Bon Jovi."

“No Garrett?” Tay cocked her head to the side.

“Oh! Him, too!” I grinned.

“This is awkward,” Brendon shook his head.

"Not really, I'm sure you have a world with Pamela Anderson before she had disease and Carmen Elektra."

“No!” Brendon shook his head. “You.”

"Now I feel bad," I whined as I sat back. "Don't be so sweet."


"Because you make me feel bad."

“I’m sorry,” He kissed my forehead. “But I really like you, I can’t help it.”

"It's okay," I sighed heavily as I turned to Tay, she pouted her lip sadly and shrugged.

Men, stupid...stupid men

“I really like you, too, Brendon,” I smiled. But, did I really like him? Of course I did… But Patrick. And Diablo.

"Good," he grinned as he hugged my side, I took a deep breath and stared at Tatum.

"Tomorrow is when everyone comes in right?" I asked, Brendon, Shaant, Patrick, Diablo, Angel oh how fun.

“Yep,” Tatum nodded. “The boys are playing.

“What boys?”

“Patty and company,” I explained.

"Oh okay," I nodded and gulped back the fear, maybe if I pack up, sell the bar and run for my life men will leave me alone, or say I'm gay when I'm really not?

No, they'll still hound me.

Maybe I can just stay menless. Become a nun, maybe.

I’m barley religious.

So that's out the window, wait that wouldn't work...oh fucking hell...

"You okay?" Pete waved his hand in my face.

“Huh?” I shook my head.

“You okay? You just kinda stared into space for a few minutes,” Pete restated.

“Oh, yeah, I’m fine,” I nodded. “Zoned out for a second.”

"You do that often," He nodded slowly, I looked at him and nodded rather slowly myself.