Things Are Shaping Up to Be Pretty Odd

Pretty Odd

-----Next Day-----

"Fuck, fuck, shit, shit, damn, damn, fuck, fuck," I mumbled as I paced the office.

“Something wrong, you potty mouth?” Tay giggled, sitting on my desk.

“Just stressed,” I sighed. “I still don’t know who to pick.”

“Well, who were the choices again?”

“Patrick, Brendon, Shaant, and Diablo,” I nodded. “Wait, is that it?”

"Forgetting Angel," she grinned and shook her head letting out a low whistle. "Five guys, damn."

"Take ‘em off my hands!"

"Want me to off 'em?" She asked in an Italian Accent. “I’ll have ‘em sleeping with the fishes in no time.”

“Have you been watching the Sopranos lately?”

“I can’t help it! I love the show!”

“The ending was shit,” I laughed, Tatum cutting her eyes at me. "Well it was!"

"Alright, I'll admit it was," she mumbled as she shrugged.

"Shark tail," I cleared my throat. "You'll be swimmin' with the fishes, the dead ones."

“Alright, it’s getting weird,” Tay shook her head. “Now, you must have narrowed the boys down a little.”

“Yes,” I nodded. “Diablo, Brendon, and Patrick.”

“Patrick? Really?”

"He was really sweet last night," I bit my lip as I paced again. "Well, no Patrick is out and Angel is back in, or should it be Patrick? I'm not sure."

“Well, don’t ask me!” Tay held her hands up in defense. “I’m not dating them!”

“Your loads of help,” I sighed sarcastically.

"I know," she said sarcastically as she lay back in my office chair. "Who do you like the best?"

"Well, I like them all, Angel has been my friend for years so god knows I love that boy to death, Patrick has a special place but he's hurt me before, and Brendon is just a doll."

"Who do you like best?" she repeated.

I bit my lip and shrugged. "As much as I want to say Brendon, I haven't known him long enough to tell, I think it may be Angel."

“What?!” She gasped, the wheelie chair flying back as she landed on the ground. “Angel?!”

“Shh!” I held my hands up to silence her.

"But Angel?" She asked in shock.

"I don't know!" I shouted as I turned around pulling at my hair.

“Well, can I give my honest opinion?” Tatum asked.


“I think you’d be better off with either Pat or Brenny,” She nodded.


"I think Angel is gay," she said honestly.

"You obviously didn't see when he literally pressed me up against him and he was getting a little too happy the other day."

“Well, think he’s faking it,” She shrugged.

“How do you fake that?!”

"I dunno," she mumbled shrugging her shoulders.

"Strangely it felt good to be wanted like that, Patrick never intimidated something like that, Brendon is to slow progressing and Angel just..." I shook my head. "I shouldn't pick anyone."

“If that’s what you want,” Tay shrugged, looking down to her watch. “But we need to get out there. Everyone will be here soon.”

“Great,” I sighed as her and I walked back out to the bar.

"Hello girls," Angel laughed as Tay jumped on the counter. "Damn it legs I told you that you couldn't do that."

"I sorry Angel," she pouted her lips and smiled at me. "Do you like Devvy?"

“Uh, like my sister, why?”

“One down, four to go!” Tay professed and giggled.


"We're narrowing the field of who Devan should date."

"Oh, well I'll date her, so she doesn't have to you know," he waved his hand.

“Too late,” Tay chuckled.

“Fine… Bitch.”

"Don't call me a bitch, dick."

"Don't call me dick, whore."

"Don't call me whore, douche."

"Don't call me douche, fucker."

“Guys!” I shouted, both of them shutting up and looking at me. “Thank you.”

“Whatever, he’s still a fucker,” Tay shrugged.

"And your still a bitch."

"We love each other like siblings," Tay smiled

“You know, those siblings that want to kill each other while they sleep,” Angel nodded and hugged Tay.
