Things Are Shaping Up to Be Pretty Odd

Pretty Odd

"Oh wow," I mumbled shaking my head, which caused Tay to start laughing.

"Okay, so Shaant is a no too, so that leaves, Diablo, Brendon and Patrick."

“And I don’t think I want Diablo, we don’t get to see each other too often,” I sighed.

“So just Patrick and Brendon.”

"Apparently," I mumbled staring at the ceiling. "Wow what I would give to be married to someone before now."

“Well, we’re in Vegas,” Angel began. “Quick! Me and you can go get hitched!”

"Hell yeah!" I shouted as we high fived and bumped hips. "So...can I dress in the tux?"

"If I get the dress," he said femininely.

“Marrying isn’t going to solve your problems, Dev,” Tay shook her head.

"It won't?" I asked pouting my lips, Angel 'awed' and kissed my bottom lip and patted my forehead. "Angel bugger off."

"She's turning British!"

“Whoops,” I giggled, Brendon and the boys walking in. “Ello, popets!”

"Popets?" Brendon raised an eyebrow as he walked over and hugged me, and kissed my cheek.

“She’s turning into a Brit,” Tatum explained and kissed Ryan softly. “And losing her mind.”

"What can I say, I went Britney Spears on yall’s asses," I grinned slightly as they laughed.

“Don’t!” Brendon chuckled. “I like your hair!”

"Aw but it’ll be all pretty if I shaved it off!"

"No it wouldn't, you're head isn't level," Angel shook his head.

“Yeah, fuck you too, Angel,” I mumbled and flipped him off.

“Just don’t,” Brendon shook his head.

"Don't what?"

"Fuck him."

"Oh..." I looked at Tatum biting my lip.

“Hello!” Pete ran in, grinning widely and pulled me away from Brendon as he did with Tatum and Ryan.

“Oh joy, Petey is here,” Tay sighed sarcastically.

"Pete!" I jumped in his arms, he grunted and nearly fell over. "Wuss can't even hold me up!"

“No, I can’t,” He mumbled and sat me back on the ground as Patrick and the boys walked in.

“Hey, Dev,” Patrick waved to me and smiled.

“Uh, hey,” I half waved back.

"How's it going?"

"Not too well," I mumbled then smiled. "I keep losing things."

Sucky excuse.

“Oh,” Patrick laughed slightly. “You always did.”

"Always will," I mumbled shaking my head. "Alright you guys are up in two hours, Angel start filling the shots."

“Yes, ma’am!” Angel saluted me and ducked to find the shot glasses.

“C’mon,” Tay leaded Patrick and the gang back stage for a sound check and rehearsal.

"Something’s bothering you," Brendon whispered as he watched me bite my nails.

"Nothing is," I smiled

“You’re lying,” He sighed and looked at me seriously. “Devan, is there something wrong? You know you can tell me anything.”

"I tell you, you'll hate me."

“No, I could never hate you,” He looked down to me and kissed my nose. “What is it?”

"Four guys like me," I said softly. "Patrick, you, Diablo and Shaant all like me, I don't want to hurt anyone."

“Oh,” Brendon said softly. “Well, I want you to be happy. Please just pick who you feel would be best for you.”

I whined as pushed him. "You're making me feel worse."

“I’m sorry,” He pulled me close and kissed my forehead. “I just want you to know that I like you, a whole lot. And I hope you take that into consideration when you do decided who your gonna be with,” He kissed my lips softly. “I love you.”

His use of the word love gave me a good shock, I tensed in his arms while I turned slowly to look at him in the face. "You love me?"

“Well, yeah, I do,” He nodded and began blushing wildly.

“I-I-“ I began, stuttering.

“Dev!” Tatum called out my name from back stage.

“I-I’ve gotta go!” I shook my head and ran off to find Tay. "I fucking love you," I whispered as I grabbed her arm and looked at what she wanted me too, which was a paper.

"You won't after you see this," she mumbled handing me the paper.

“What is it?” I ripped it from her hand.

“Not good.”

"I can tell," I said as I skimmed the letter.

Hello darling,

I came by yesterday to see you, but you weren't here, I guess you closed up, I'll be by tonight and see you sweetie.

♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, love!