Things Are Shaping Up to Be Pretty Odd

Pretty Odd

"Oh," Andy said helping me up. "Sorry Devvy."

"It's alright, Pete why do you wear thongs?"

"I don't wear thongs!"

"He wears thongs?" Andy asked as he turned to me, I nodded solemnly and pointed. "Oh...My...Gosh."

“Ahahah!” Tatum pointed and laughed. “Cute thong, by the way!”

“Shut up…” He mumbled and slouched down in his chair.

“I can’t help it!” Andy laughed hysterically along with Tay. “It’s just too good!”

“You guys are jerks…” He growled at them and pulled his hood over his head.

“You don’t live with them,” I pointed out. “Andy or Tatum.”

“True, true,” Pete nodded. “Makes me feel bad for you.”

“You should feel bad for me.”

"Hey you should be happy, I've been gone two weeks so you've had the house!" Andy said pointing at me.

"With Tatum, not cool man, she's like an overactive Pete Wentz."

"That is bad."

"Uh huh," I nodded my head as I leaned on Andy. "Dude when are we gonna get there?"

“We’re there, babe,” Pete grinned as everyone got out of the car.

“Oh,” I nodded as we all ran up the steps and Pete threw the door open.

“Guys!” Spencer yelled, grinning.

“Hi!” Ryan ran out of a room and hugged Pete, then Tay. “Brendon! They’re here!”

“Okay, I’m comin…” He called, walking out of the same room Ryan came from wearing pajamas and his red glasses.

“Hi,” I waved, holding back from laughing at his P.Js, which were duckies.

“Nice jamas!” Tay giggled.

“Haha, yeah. I wasn’t ready, so I’ll go get dressed and be back out here in ten minutes,” Brendon nodded and walked back into the room.

“He just woke up,” Ryan chuckled.

“It would seem,” I smiled.

"Go tell him," Ryan pushed me towards his door, making me laugh and run in.

"Hey Brendon," I said as I seen him taking his shirt off. "Wear your glasses today please? Their cute."

"Oh," he blushed and nodded his head. "Alright."

“Good, thank you.” I smiled at him and skipped back out to the living room, standing next to Tay.

“So which ones which?” Jon pointed at Tatum and I.

“I’m Tay!” Tatum smiled.

“And I’m Devan.” I nodded.

“Oh, okay,” Spencer said. “I’ll try and remember that.”

“Don’t worry, we’re unforgettable,” Tay laughed.

“What’s going on?” Brendon walked out of the bedroom and smiled.

“Just introducing ourselves is all,” I explained.

"They won't remember you," He teased as he walked past me and Tay to the fridge. "Where is the milk?"

"I tried to drink the whole thing in an hour," Jon mumbled.

"And let's just say, it didn't work out as planned," Spencer laughed as he patted Jon on the back.

"Hurled it all up," Ryan nodded

“You guys are idiots,” Brendon shook his head and laughed.

“Don’t be mean, B-den!” Tay giggled, everyone looking at her. “What?”

“B-den?” I tilted my head to the side.

“Yes, that’s what I’m calling him,” Tatum nodded.

“Do I get a nickname?” Ryan pouted.

“I have to think about it, it has to be good!” Tay insisted, all of us laughing.

"Ryro is too common, Ryden is retarded, Georgie sounds logical," I grinned, which made him look over and narrow his eyes.


"Aw come on," I laughed as I shook my head. "No, never mind how about, Rye Bread?"

"Why is she so mean?" Ryan turned to Brendon and pointed at me. "Was she this mean the other day?"

"She's always this mean," Patrick mused with a smile.

“Patty!” Tay growled and slapped him on the arm. “Asshole.”

“She’s mean, too,” Patrick then pointed to Tatum.
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