Things Are Shaping Up to Be Pretty Odd

Pretty Odd

“She’s mean, too,” Patrick then pointed to Tatum.

“No I’m not!” Tay began yelling. “It just so happens that I have a short temper, alright?”

“Fine, don’t be so hostile,” Patrick mumbled and hid behind Spencer.

“What did you see in him?” She leaned over to me and whispered.

"I don't actually remember," I mumbled under my breath as I looked at Ryan. "I'm not really this mean, I'm just teasing you."

"I know."

"Good," I laughed as I pushed Brendon. "You too."

"I know," he laughed as he pulled his glasses off and rubbed his nose. "Can I go put my contacts in now?"

"No, I like the glasses," I grinned.

“Alright,” Brendon grinned and kissed my forehead, making everyone ‘awww’. “What?”

“It’s adorable!” Tatum squealed. “Devan hasn’t had a boyfriend since Patty, so it’s cute to see her with another guy.”

“She’s crazy!” Spencer sang softly.

“I heard that,” Tay picked up a pillow and threw it at Spencer.

“No throwing pillows!” Jon yelled and caught the pillow in mid-air. “Last time that happen, we had to take Ryan to the hospital.”

“Why?” I looked at Ryan, who was smiling widely.

“I accidently tripped and whacked my head on the table,” He nodded, still grinning. “Had to get x-rays to make sure there wasn’t any brain damage!”

“That machine was broken,” Pete laughed.

“Hey!” Ryan turned to Pete and pouted. “That was mean.”

“Petey!” Tay giggled and hit Pete upside the head. “Don’t be mean to Ryan!”

“I will be,” Pete stuck his tongue out at Tatum, who raised her hand and balled it into a fist. “Don’t hit me!”

"Tatum be nice to Pete he's my lover!" I yelled throwing a pillow at her head, then I turned to Ryan. "I won't throw any more."

"Better not."

I grinned and looked at Pete who was mouthing 'I love you' teasingly, I done the same before a pillow hit me in the face. "Damn it Tay."

"Wasn't me."

"Who was it?" I looked around and seen two people looking off like they hadn't seen.

Patrick and Brendon.

But which one?

Oh fuck it, both, I picked up two pillows and chucked it at both of them, making them both fall over from the impact.

“Ahhh!” Brendon laughed, falling on Jon.

“No more pillow fights! Hospitals scare me!” Ryan yelled and ran into the kitchen.

“Ryan! Don’t be such a baby!” Tay threw a pillow at Ryan as he ran into the kitchen. “Get back out here and take it like a man!”

“I’m not a man! I’m a boy! Now leave me alone!” He cried out.

“Fine,” Tatum mumbled and turned back to me. “Baby…”

“Devan!” Patrick called and hit my on the side of the head with a pillow.

“Oh, now it’s on!” I laughed.

"Duck!" Tay yelled as everyone began throwing pillows from the couch, Jon and Spencer even ran and got their sleeping pillows, I ducked under the coffee table and seen Brendon beside me.

"Hi," I giggled

"Hey," he laughed as we looked out to the feathers flying. "I'm not cleaning that."

"Shit," I said as someone grabbed my ankles and dragged me out, I flipped on my back and smiled up at Pete. "Hi Lover, you wouldn't hurt me would you?"


"Please don't."

"Why not?" he asked slowly as a grin rose on his lips, which trust me, it’s scary.

“Cause you love me?”
“Good enough for me,” He shrugged and turned around. “Tay!”

“No!” She attempted to run, but Spencer hit her in the face and knocked her into Pete before she could get away.

“It’s a damn war zone in here,” Brendon giggled, looking around.

“Yeah, and watch out for Tatum’s back hand,” Andy ran by us. “She’s a fucking monster!”

“She’s five foot, how much could she hurt?” I laughed.

“A lot, trust me,” Joe walked up to Brendon and I and lifted up his shirt, exposing an already forming bruise.

“Okay, I will,” I pulled his shirt back down.

“Good, it hurts," he nodded and ran off to the wall, where he and Andy hid.

"You guys are babies," I mumbled as I slid beside Brendon and hid on his shoulder.

"You call them babies?" Brendon laughed as he looked over at me, I nodded seriously before I looked back to the war zone.

"Oh shit, poor Pete," I mumbled as Tay hit Pete in the stomach with a hard pillow from the couch.

"Oh that had to hurt," Brendon sneered in pain as he watched Tatum laugh evilly and run around hitting people, meaning Patrick, Spencer, Ryan, Jon...and so on.

"They never learn," I mumbled about Patrick and Pete. "We do this all the time and they still never avoid her!"

"Oh shit she's coming!" Brendon scrambled up with me beside him; we stood up on the opposite side of her and grinned before we started running for the door. Tatum began laughing, that is, until she tripped and went face first to the ground.

“Oh, damn,” She mumbled. “I’m out.”

“Yay!” Pete yelled. “War over!”

“Woo!” Everyone cheered, clapping and laughing at Tay.

“Haha, you all suck…” She sighed, Ryan helping her up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha, hospitals scare me, too<333
