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And I Love Those Crazy Things You Make Me Do

Big Brother's House

*Brayden’s POV*

“Bray, c’mon, we’re here. It’s time to get up and come inside. You can go to sleep when you get in.” I heard Luke call as I woke up.

“Fuck off.” I exclaimed as I got out of his car and slammed the door.

“Jesus, Brayden. Calm the fuck down, so your flight got cancelled. It’s not the end of the world.” Luke reasoned. I looked at him like he was an idiot.

“Luke, I’m mad. And, I’m tired. Please cut the bullshit. I’m 21, you don’t need to sugar coat it.” I snapped and went into Luke’s guestroom.

The last thing that I thought of before falling asleep was fucking airport, cancelling my goddamned flight.

“Hey fucker, get up! You’re not going to sleep all day, go explore Toronto or something, I got things to do!” I heard Luke scream from his bedroom.

I looked at my phone, 9:00am. I groaned loud enough for Luke to hear and took a shower. When I got out of the shower, all I could smell was food.

“See, you’re definitely my favourite brother. You make me food.” I laughed. Luke rolled his eyes and let out a chuckle.

“Well, I’d prefer to make food for Madison or Macy, but I guess you’re ok.” He teased. Luke and I were really close considering we’re only 2 years apart.

After breakfast, Luke went to take a shower. While I was waiting for him, I flopped down on his couch and flipped the TV on. I was watching TSN when he finally came out. “So, what are we doing today?” I asked him.

“Well, I have to run some errands.” He put emphasize on the I part.

“What am I supposed to then?” I asked, puzzled.

“I suppose you could come, it’ll be boring though.” Luke answered. I could tell he didn’t want me to come, so I took that to my advantage.

“Thanks, big brother! I’d love to come along.”

He sighed, and we left. We got into Luke’s mustang; fuck this car is way nicer than mine. “We have to go grocery shopping. I used the last of my food this morning for breakfast.” Luke informed me.

“Alrighty, what about afterwards?” I asked.

“I don’t know, Brayden. You’re acting like a 5 year old.” Luke barked.

I gave him a dirty look, “I am not acting like a 5 year old.” I defended. Luke laughed.

In the grocery store, I was deliberately trying to annoy Luke, to get him back for the 5 year old comment. “Luke, can you buy lucky charms? What about some doritos? Luke, get some ice cream for me!”

“Brayden, shut up! You’re embarrassing me!” Luke growled.

I laughed, “Well then, I’m doing my job.” I flashed him a grin.

By now, Luke had placed most of the things on his list. “I just need a bottle of ketchup and a bottle of vinegar.” Luke announced.

“Awesome.” I added.

After Luke cashed out, I gave him $20. “What’s this for?” Luke asked.

“Food, idiot.” I snorted. He gave me a clueless look

. “What? I’m staying with you for a week; I’m not just going to eat all your food and leave.” I told him, “I’m not that much of an asshole.”

“Thanks,” he laughed. We loaded the groceries into his car.

“You know, you have a pretty sick ass car.” I commented.

“Yeah, I’m very aware. It cost a shit load, but it’s totally worth it.” He bragged.

When we got to his house, I helped him bring in the groceries. We put them away and sat down on the couch. The clock read 1:30pm. I didn’t think we were out that long.

“Want to play some NHL 12 or something?” Luke suggested.

“Deal, as long as I can be on the Flyers.” I winked.

“Yeah too bad the Leafs will kick your ass!” he challenged.

We spent the rest of the day playing NHL 12. We played for a couple hours, and then I got a text. It was from one of Luke’s teammates, Colby Armstrong.

Hey buddy! Heard you were in Toronto for a week! Don’t be an asshole and come to dinner with Mel and I!

“Hey, Luke! Army wants to know if we want to go to dinner with him and his wife. Wanna go?” I asked.

“Sure I guess. While we’re at it, let’s invite Carter. You haven’t seen him in a while, right?” Luke suggested.

“Good idea, you call him. I’ll text Army back.”

Deal, but Luke and Carter are coming too. I’m not being a third wheel. Meet us at Real Sports in an hour.

“Luke!” I called, “we’re going Real Sports in an hour!”

“Okay!” I heard from his room.

“Did you talk to Carter yet?” I yelled back.

“He’s on his way over right now!” Luke responded.

I don’t think I’ve seen Carter Ashton in a while. I met him when I was playing for the WHL. We’re pretty good friends if I do say so myself. When Luke finally came out of his room he looked at me.

“When was the last time you saw Carter?” he asked me.

“I don’t know, the last time we played you guys? But, the last time I actually talked to him was a while ago. We’re both busy guys.”

“God, you sound married.” Luke teased.

“Hey, you’re the one who asked, fuck you.” I snapped.

Carter knocked on the door shortly after. “IT’S OPEN!” Luke screamed.

“Man, you shouldn’t do that, what if you get robbed or something?” Carter commented when he came in.

“Hey, buddy! It’s been too long!” I greeted him. He came over and gave me a fist bump.

“You can say that again, bro.” he said.

“Hate to break up the love fest, but we should head out; we’re supposed to meet Army and Mel at Real Sports in about 15 minutes.” Luke interrupted.

“Haha, fuck you.” Carter and I said in unison. We all laughed and headed out.

This was going to be a great night, I could feel it.
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YAY! Second Chapter! We're going to update once a week, but if you're lucky it'll be more often. Maybe, we'll have more motivation if you guys comment/subscribe? :) This is our first fanfic we're writing, so i hope you enjoy it! <33