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And I Love Those Crazy Things You Make Me Do

Who Said Hockey Players Can't Play Soccer?

~Brayden’s POV~

I can’t believe Luke didn’t believe me. That girl was hot. No doubt in my mind. I wish I got a better look at her though. It’s not every day you see a woman like that. Fuck, I should have talked to her. I quietly thought to myself.

We were done with breakfast now, and we finished washing all the dishes. “Hey, Bray? What are you doing today?” Luke called from his room.

“Uh, nothing. Why?” I responded. “Shit, Boz asked me to go see a movie with him today. But it’s fine if you want me to stay here.” He explained to me.

Since I didn’t want to rain on his parade I told him, “It’s fine, go to a movie. I’ll just go venture the streets by myself.”

“You’re the greatest, little brother!” He exclaimed before shutting his door. I decided to ask Carter if he wanted to hang out, it’s been a long time since we have.

Hey dude, want to chill soon? Luke’s going out and I don’t want to sit inside all day.

I waited for his response, trying to make a mental list of things I could do if he said no.

Sure man, I’ll be right over.

Thank god Carter agreed. I didn’t know what I was going to do. I need more friends here.

When Carter came over, we immediately left. “So what did you have in mind?” he asked me when we got into the car. “I don’t know, I just wanted to get out of that house.” I told him.

“Fair enough.” He shrugged. We drove around Toronto, or should I say we parked on the street because of all the traffic, for around a half hour when Carter came up with an idea. “Why don’t we go to a park and play one on one soccer.” He suggested. I looked at him blankly. I can’t play soccer for the life of me, and he knows that.

He started laughing, “Come on Bray! It’ll be fun. Besides, what else is there to do?”
I gave him a dirty look. “Fine, but if I see this on the internet later tonight, you’re dead.” He just laughed again. “Alright,” he said.

When we got to the field, nobody was there. It was a Monday in the mid-afternoon, so that’s reasonable. I got out of Carter’s car and ran into the field.

Hey, Fuckface! Wait up, I got to grab the ball!” Carter yelled to me to before he grabbed the ball from his trunk. I was a good, 30 yards away from him, but he still managed to kick the ball towards me. I had to duck so it wouldn’t hit me.

When Carter ran over to me, he pulled out his phone. “What are you doing?” I asked as he held it up.

“Well, I have to catch the legendary Brayden Schenn playing soccer.” I flipped him off. “Hey, don’t hate me. It’s not my fault you’re only good at hockey.” He laughed. “Hell, you’re not even good at that!” he teased some more.

“Fuck you,” I joked. “Put your phone away, I don’t need any teenage girls flailing over me on the internet.” I asked him. He laughed and put his phone in his pocket.

We were kicking the ball around for about an hour when Carter asked me, “Does Brayden have any special girls in his life yet?”

“Random,” I answered. “But no, mom, I don’t.”

“Oh well, Luke texted me this morning asked me to ask you about it.” He explained.

“Oh well, last night at Real Sports, I saw this really hot girl. I was telling Luke about it, but I don’t think he believe me.” I shrugged. “What did she look like?” he gasped.

“Her hair was brown and it went to about her shoulders, I think. I didn’t really get a good look at her, but she was hot and had a nice body.” I answered. He hung on my every word.

“What?” I asked, “Never seen a hot girl in Toronto before?”

He rolled his eyes, “how do you know she was hot if you didn’t get a good look?” “Goddamn it Carter, you sound just like Luke.” I snapped.

“Well it doesn’t make very much sense.” He reasoned.

I don’t know why everybody was so caught up in knowing what she looked like, it’s not like I’ll ever see her again. She was just a girl at a restaurant that I didn’t talk to. Not a big deal.

I must have started daydreaming, because the next thing I heard was, “BRAYDEN, are you going to kick the ball or what?”

“Shit, sorry!” I said surprised.

I kicked the soccer ball with a lot of force and it flew right over Carter’s head. It kept going almost past Carter’s car.

“Good going, dipshit.” He said sarcastically before running after the ball.

“Hey! Who said hockey players can’t play soccer!” I called after him.
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Yay, so here's the fourth chapter everyone! it means a lot to us that everyone likes our story! and thank you to the person who commented!<33 i hope you liked this chapter, even though it's sorta long and is just a filler!