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And I Love Those Crazy Things You Make Me Do

You Need A Girlfriend

~Luke's POV~

It was quarter to ten when I awoke from my slumber to my phone going off. I groaned and turned over to grab my phone off my nightstand. I looked at it and saw that I have one new message, from Tyler Bozak.

Hey man, long time no see! Wanna catch a movie with me later?

I smiled to myself. I missed hanging out with Tyler, and especially someone who isn't my brother. I texted Tyler back:

Yea, sure man! What theatre?

While I waited for him to text me back, I went to the bathroom. When I came back, there was 2 messages from Tyler waiting for me to read them.

The Cineplex on Yonge, the one we always go to!
Oh ya, you can choose the movie, if you want!

I should have known, Tyler and I went to the movies quite a bit with some of our teammates on days off. It surprised me though, that he said I could choose what movie we saw, he is usually the one to do so.

Alright, sounds good. I'll meet you there at 11:30, see ya!

I went to the bathroom and got changed. I headed downstairs to where I spelled an unfamiliar smell emanating from my kitchen. I turned the corner into my kitchen to see Brayden cooking pancakes.


After breakfast, I called down to Brayden from my room to see what he was doing today, seeing as I was going out with Tyler. I found out that he wasn't doing anything, which didn't surprise me seeing as he basically only had Carter here in Toronto. I told him I'd stay if he wanted me too, but he told me to go to the movie. It was 10 after 11, so I grabbed my car keys and wallet and headed to my car. I turned it on after I got in, and headed to the movie theatre. At a red light, I texted Tyler asking him where in the theatre were we meeting. I suggested just inside, beside the front the door, and he agreed. I got to the theatre and park my car in the parking lot. It was a Monday, so not many people were there because all the school kids where in school. I got out of my car and headed inside. I wasn't surprised that Tyler wasn't there, he sometimes has the tendency to be late. I walked over to the ticket line and bought two tickets the 12 o'clock showing of the movie “The Amazing Spiderman” and stood back over by the doors. I got a few wide-eyed open-mouthed looks as I stood there alone. I've been playing for the Leafs for 4 years, so I was used to it. Finally, after a few more minutes of awkwardly standing alone, Tyler walks into the theatre with a huge grin on his face.

“Ayeee, Luke! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be late, my mother called me and I couldn't get off the phone with her.” He said as he came over to me.

“It's ok, I bought the tickets, the movie is starting in 5 minutes, so we better hurry up.”

“Alright, alright, let's go. What movie are we seeing, anyways?” Tyler questioned as we headed towards the theatre our movie was playing in.

“We're going to see the new Spiderman movie.”

“Oh, sounds good!”


Usually when we watched movies with a few teammates, I always made it so I didn't have to sit beside Tyler, (let's just say he doesn't know that you're not suppose to talk during the movie) but today I had no choice. I immediately felt sorry for everyone who had sat beside him during previous movies. We walked into the main area of the movie theatre to more people staring at us. What is it not normal for two male friends to watch a movie together? Or was it the fact that we were two hockey players? Whatever. We managed to get through a group of people without anyone saying anything to us, until we passed a man wearing a Montreal Canadiens hat, who looked about 40, decided it was necessary to say something.

“Hey losers! There's always next year! Ahaha!” Typical Habs fan, I though. The room fell silent, but we continued to walk out. “1967!” he called out behind us as we were heading out the doors. We quickly waved him off as we headed to the parking lot.

“What a joke.” Tyler scoffed.

“Yea.” I nodded in agreement. “By the way, where did you park?” I asked Tyler as we reached my car, which I presumed was closer to the entrance than his.

“Well, about that...” I didn't like the sound of that. “It's at the mechanics, it needed a bit of a repair.”

“So, how did you get here then?” It would have taken him a couple hours to walk here from his apartment.

“I took a cab. I was hoping you could drive me back.” I sighed and shook my head as a motioned him to get in the car. “Yes, sweet!” I couldn't help but laugh at how enthused he was to get a ride. The ride back was quite until I spoke up.

“Y'know I wish I had a relationship like you do with Phil.” I said, not really thinking about it.

Tyler gave me a confused look. “What do you mean?”

“Well you guys are always together, you are always getting along, and you are each others backbones. I just want someone who's always there for me, y'know?”

“So what you're saying is you want a rock?” I don't know what he's getting at, a rock as in something you find on the ground, or a rock as in a person?

“A rock?”

“A girlfriend, Luke. You need a girlfriend.” What was he saying? A girlfriend? I don't need one... do I?
♠ ♠ ♠
ok sorry I've been kinda slacking w/e~
idk this is kinda a filler-ish chapter and it was difficult to find a movie that's coming out in 2 months or so but I did so ya, enjoy!