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And I Love Those Crazy Things You Make Me Do

There She Is

~Luke's pov~

It was 7pm, I had dropped Tyler off at his apartment a couple hours ago, and Brayden and I just finished fighting over the last slice of pizza we had ordered for dinner. I ended up letting him have it because I knew he'd get all mad if I didn't. When he was finished, we went out and sat on the couch and Brayden popped in a movie. I couldn't focus on the movie because I couldn't stop thinking about what Tyler had said to me in the car. He said I needed a girlfriend... was he being serious? Did I need a girlfriend? I'm not too sure. Did I want one? Of course I wanted one, but I never thought about having one until he said something. I guess my brother had noticed something was on my mind because he was yelling something at me.

“Luke, what's wrong, man?” I gave him a confused look.

“What do you mean?” I asked him, generally confused.

“You've been all quiet since you got home, you hardly even gave up a fight for the last slice of pizza, which isn't normal considering how much you eat. What's wrong, did you and Tyler get into a fight or something?” This took me by surprise, my brother never seems to care about me like that.

“Nothing's wrong, Brayden.” Which wasn't a complete lie, nothing was wrong, there was just a lot on my mind.

“You're lying.” Damn he was good. “Luke, you're my brother, I know when something is bugging you.” This also took me by surprise, because he generally did seemed concerned. “Did something happen between you and Tyler? You can tell me, you know you can.” I decided to tell him because he was starting to annoy me with his questions.

“Alright, I give, I give. No, Tyler and I did not get into a fight, I've just been thinking a lot about something he said to me.”

“What did he say?”

“He told me I needed a girlfriend.”

“Really? Why?” I told my brother about what happened today, from the Habs fan to what Tyler and I had talked about. I looked up at my brother, only to be greeted by him staring at his phone. If I knew he wasn't going to listen to me, I wouldn't have shared.

“Did you even listen to me?” It really annoyed me when he didn't pay attention to me, but it was normal for him not to. It'd be nice for once if he did.

“Yes I did, for your information. And I fully agree with Tyler, you do need a girlfriend. Oh, and speaking of Tyler, we're going to have lunch him at that cafe down the street from here tomorrow. I want to see him before I went back to Philly. Tomorrow is my last day in Toronto, remember?” Oops, I guess I forgot about him going back. This week went by pretty fast.

“Oops, I forgot about you leaving soon. Alright, that sounds good, what time?”

“Tyler said 11:30, so that's about 11:45 Tyler time.” We both laughed. It was now 10pm so I decided to catch some Z's.

“Okay. Well, I'm going to head to bed now, I'll see you in the morning.” I said to my brother before I hopped off the couch and headed upstairs.

“Alright, goodnight!” Brayden called up after me. It still pondered on my why both Brayden and Tyler thought I needed a girlfriend. Oh well, I thought. I changed into some pajama pants and slid into bed. I set the alarm on my phone for 11 o'clock and drifted off to sleep.


I woke up about 5 minuted before my alarm, which I really hated. Damn, I cursed under my breath. I got up and went to the bathroom to make myself presentable. I headed downstairs and saw Brayden on the couch watching Sportsnet. I plopped on the couch beside him and he started laughing at me. “What?” I asked.

“Well aren't you looking snazzy today!” He tried saying that with a straight face, but failed.

“Shut up,” I took a moment to look over his outfit. He was wearing a pair of cargo shorts and one of his Flyers shirts with the number 10 on the front. “You can't wear that, Brayden.” I said staring at his shirt.

“Well why not?”

“Well, we don't want to bring attention to us, you wearing a shirt with your number on it is just screaming attention.” I chuckled.

“That's it? Seriously?” He laughed at me.

“And, I can't be seen with someone in a Flyers shirt! So go change that shirt!” This time we both laughed.

“All right, all right.” He jumped up and ran upstairs. A few minutes later he came back down wearing a plain red t-shirt. “Better?” he asked.

“Much. Now let's go, we've got 5 minutes until 11:30.” With that we headed out the door. We walked down the street until we reached a quaint little cafe on the corner of the street. I opened the door and heard the little bell go off when you did so. Then I heard Brayden gasp.

He turned and whispered to me, “That's her! That's the girl I was telling you about!”


~Tiffany's POV~

I was running a bit early, so I decided to stop at my cafe on my way to work for some lunch. It was 11 o'clock so I didn't have to be at work for another 45 minutes; I had plenty of time for a good lunch. I walked into the cafe and sat at my regular booth in the back corner.

“What can I getcha', darlin'?” It was my favourite waitress, Darlene.

“Oh, the usual.” I said, looking up and smiling at her.

“Alright, 2 pancakes and a glass of sprite comin' up!” She said as she walked back to the kitchen to give the cook my order. About 10 minutes later, Darlene brought over my meal and sat it in front of me. As usual, the place wasn't busy, so she sat across from me. “So, does Tiffany have a special man in her life?” She smiled at me, watching me eat my lunch.

“No, Tiffany does not have a special man in her life.” I could feel a slight blush appearing on my cheeks. Darlene always did that to me, asked me questions I was not prepared to answer. A new question every day. You'd think after years of coming here I'd have gotten used to her questions, or she'd run out, but neither was the case.

“Ah don't worry about it sweetheart, he'll come truckin' by sooner or later, just you wait and see, he'll come when you least expect it. That's what happened to me with Jim. He found me when I was least expecting to find anyone and...” As I listened to Darlene tell me the story of how she met her husband, I studied her. She was a middle aged woman, around 50 or so, with medium length, greying-blonde hair that fell just past her ears in perfect curls. She was born in Texas and moved to Canada when she was 10 with her parents, and she never seemed to had lost that southern accent. She was short, not too short. She was pretty; aged but pretty, and she was always cheerful. I remember this one day when I was having an angry day, I came in and as soon as I saw her smile at me, I forgot why I was angry in the first place. My mother had died when I was 15, so Darlene was like a second mother to me. “... and here we are, going on 30 years together, and I've never once thought of being with another man.” I'd seen pictures of Darlene and Jim together, they were the picture perfect couple. They met when Darlene first started working here at the cafe when she was 18. Jim was 19, and working as a cook. They went out for 2 years before Jim finally popped the question. She of course, said yes and now they've been together for almost 30 years. After hearing that story, I wanted what she had. They were perfect together and I envied her.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the bell above the door ring, indicating someone had just entered. “Oops, better get that.” Darlene said as she swung out of the booth and hurried to the front of the cafe. I saw two men walk into the cafe, then stop dead in their tracks. One was wearing a blue plaid button up shirt, and the shorter of the two was wearing a red shirt with cargo shorts. I saw the one in red whisper something to the other while he looked in my direction. They looked alike, probably brothers. I swore I had seen them before, at least the taller one, he looked familiar. Then it hit me: I had seen them before, the taller one more than once. I was at Real Sports a couple nights ago with my best friend, Brianna. She had seen the two sitting with a few friends and a table behind us. She secretly pointed to each one, naming them all off, but I wasn't really paying attention. My eyes were glued to the tv in front of us, that was showing the Jays game, and Bautista was at bat. The bases were loaded, and there were no outs, so everyone in the restaurant was hoping for a Grand Slam.

“Tiffany!” I heard Brianna call my name as Bau struck out.

“What?” I hissed at her.

“Are you not listening to me? There are hockey players here and you're busy watching baseball!” she exclaimed to me as she looked in their direction. I didn't follow hockey much, besides watching a few Leafs games with Bri here and there. Brianna was a bigger hockey fan than I, I was usually working during games and only watched them with her on my days off. I finally looked over and saw the shorter one glance over at me before I turned away. We left shortly after they left, as Brianna thought it was boring now that they were gone. When we got back to our apartment she insisted on showing me pictures of the players who were at bar. Over the years she has tried getting me more into hockey, but I never had the time. After she showed me the pictures, I pieced together that one of these men played for Toronto, and the other played for Philadelphia. I wasn't sure which one was which though.

I was again snapped out of my thoughts, but this time due to the two guys laughing at something one of them said. I looked up at them, and saw the two making their way to the booths by me. Well at least I was hoping they were going to a booth, and not me, I needed to leave to go to work in a few minutes. But my luck, they came and stood right beside me. “Can I help you two?” I asked them.

“Yes you can.” The shorter one responded. “Were you at Real Sports a couple nights ago.... uh... on the 25th?” That's not weird... at all...

“Um, yes... I was. Why do you want to know this?”

“And were you sitting with a blonde watching the baseball game?” Ok this is really weird.

“Yea... I was. Again, why do you want to know this?”

“Aha! I told you it was her!” He said, overly excited, as he bunched the taller guy in the arm.

“Sorry about him. I'm Luke, and he's Brayden.” The taller one said while pointing to the shorter one before extending his hand out. I shook his hand, and the other guy, Brayden's hand as he stuck it out, too. “My brother had told me the night we got back from Real Sports that he had seen this girl, and I didn't believe him, but I guess I do now.” He chuckled.

“Well, my name's Tiffany, and it was nice meeting you two, but I have to get to work now, so if you'll please excuse me.” I said as I shuffled out of the booth and stood in front of the two. It sounded rude, but I promise it wasn't.

“Alright well here, have my number!” Luke pulled out a piece of paper and wrote his number on it.

“Put mine on it, too!” I heard Brayden yell from the front counter, he was ordering food, I guess.

“Ok well, it was nice meeting you two!” I said as I took the piece of paper and hurried out the door. I had about 10 minutes to get to work, before I was late. On my walk there, I whipped out my phone and texted my best friend.

You'll never believe who I just met!
♠ ♠ ♠
ok sorry it's really long (over 2000 words whoops) but finally we meet Tiffany!!
and i had to write 2 chapters in a row so it was tough wow i suck but thanks for reading and comments are really appreciated
ok thanks~~