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And I Love Those Crazy Things You Make Me Do

Opinions Change

~Bri’s POV~

“Dish it, sister!” I exclaimed when Tiffany walked in, blushing.

She rolled her eyes and walked past me, heading to her room. “Hey!” I called after her, “I’m serious! I want to hear all about it! Brayden was being an asshole, so we didn’t really get to hear your conversation.”

“You’re so dumb, Bri.” She laughed. I blankly stared at her. “What?” She asked.

“I’m being 100% serious, dish it!” I demanded.

“Get over yourself, I don’t kiss and tell,” she winked. “But I do have to say that Luke is an amazing kisser!”

“God,” I whined. “You’re so lucky you had Luke. I got stuck with Brayden, he’s so arrogant.”

She laughed, “So you didn’t have a good time at all?” I sighed.

“I guess I did? I mean he was nice at the start, but then he started bragging about how well the Flyers were going to do this season, and like I’m a Leafs fan so, naturally I got offended…” I explained.

She started laughing hysterically. “Oh god Bri, you’re so immature!”

“It’s no big deal, he’s leaving tomorrow anyways.” I sighed, “Plus, I’m more into the tall dark and handsome look.”

“Umm…” Tiffany questioned.

I winked, “Tyler Bozak, silly!”

She just shook her head and walked into her bedroom, “Alright Bri, I’m going to bed.”



“Tiff! Wait!” I called, running out of my room. “What do I do then? We were supposed to go to the movies!”

“Call Bray, ask him to hang out!” She suggested.

“Ugh, fine you suck.” I groaned. I grabbed Tiffany's phone from her and called Brayden.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey Brayden, it's Bri. Your brother stole my plans for today." I said into the phone, glaring at Tiff, who was waiting impatiently. "So do you wanna catch a movie?"

"Yea, sure! I just have to pack a bit for my flight back to Philly at 7, I'll meet you in the lobby in 45, ok?" He asked.

"Sounds good, see you then!" I replied, hanging up.

"See, now you have plans!" Tiff spoke as I gave her her phone back. "See ya!" She said, walking out the door.

"Bye!" I replied as I went into the bathroom to shower.

It was barely noon now, so I had about 20 minutes to get ready. I went to my closet and picked out an outfit. Then, I did my hair up in a nice braided bun and by then it was time to meet up with Brayden. I locked the door and headed to the elevator. When I got into the elevator, this creepy guy who lives right above me was in there.

“G-good afternoon, Brian-na!” he said with a stutter.

“Hello, Ian.” I mumbled.

He lit up, “How are you today? What are your plans?”

I moaned, “I’m fine Ian. I’m actually going to a movie with a friend.”

“Sounds like a lot of fun!” He exclaimed.

I looked at the floor indicator, 36, 35, 34….

“Yep..” I trailed off. We stood there awkwardly for a couple more minutes as the elevator descended. When we finally got to the lobby I got out as quickly as I could, but he followed right behind me. I turned around, “What are you doing, Ian?” I snapped.

“Oh, I figured I could tag along to the movies!” He explained.

Just then, I felt an arm snake around me. “Hey, babe. Ready to catch the movie?” Brayden questioned.

“Yeah, I was just telling Ian here that I’d see him later!” I smiled in relief. Brayden leaned down and kissed my cheek. I looked at Ian and he was as white as a ghost, he murmured goodbye and practically ran out of the front door.

“What was that about?” I asked Brayden once Ian was out of sight.

He chuckled, “When you got out of that elevator you looked like you were going to upchuck everywhere and then all I saw was a little nerdy guy trailing after you like a puppy dog. I figured that you’d want help to get him away from you.”

“Well Brayden Schenn, I guess that you’re not so conceited after all.” I said, apologetically.

“I have to make you worship me before I leave for Philly!” He stated, “I’m Brayden Schenn, everybody loves me.”

I jokingly pushed him and laughed, “You wish.”

He snaked his arm around my arms again, “Let’s go, doll face.”

We started walking to the theatre, when Brayden asked, “Which movie would you like to see?”

“Oh gosh, I haven’t even seen what movies are playing I’m always so busy!” I blushed.

“I saw Spiderman last week with Luke, and that was good. But I really want to see Ted.” He suggested.

“Alright, sounds good to me!” I agreed. I decided to send Tiffany a quick text to see how her day was going.

Hey girl, how’s your ditch Bri day coming along?

She texted back seconds later, Did you honestly expect me not to say yes to a date with Luke?? But it’s going great, we went out for lunch and now we’re going golfing see you later!

I laughed out loud and Brayden looked at me like I was insane. “What are you laughing at, crazy?” He asked.

“Tiff and Luke are all lovey dovey and it’s so cute!” I squealed. He rolled his eyes.

By then we got to the theatre and Brayden insisted on paying for my ticket.

“Brrrraaaayyyyddddeeeennnnn, let meeeeee pay for ittttttt!” I whined.

He gave me a stern look and shook his head. “No, and by the way I’m paying for your popcorn and drink hope you don’t mind” He added and flashed me a cute smile.

I frowned, “Fine but I hate you.” He laughed and we went up to the concession stand. He ordered us both medium popcorns and drinks. I felt really bad that he was paying for everything, but he insisted.

We walked into the movie and found our seats. The lights went down and he again snaked his arm around me. I took advantage of this and snuggled up into his chest. I knew that Brayden and I weren’t going anywhere romantically, so I figured flirting was harmless.

The movie was funny, and Brayden suggested that we go out for pizza or something afterwards. He flight didn’t leave for 5 more hours so I thought that it was a good idea. We walked to a pizza shop just around the corner and talked about everything while we ate. When we were done, Brayden pulled out his phone.

“What’s your number?” He asked.

“You’re not serious…” I began, but he interrupted me. “You can’t let me take you out for a movie and lunch and not give me your number. That’s just mean.”

I sighed and took his phone from him. I programmed my number in and sent myself a text so I’d have his. “Alright, here.” I complained, “You now have my stupid number.” He laughed and flashed his goofy grin again.

“I should get going, my plane leaves in like 3 hours…” he started.

“I’ll come with you to the airport, Luke is going to be too busy with Tiffany to go and I don’t want you going alone.” I reasoned. He blushed.

“You don’t have to…” He trailed off. I smiled, “I want to, don’t worry.”

We walked to my building and went up to Luke’s. He unlocked the door and we walked into a shirtless Luke, and a pantless Tiffany, who was only wearing Luke’s button down dress shirt.

“Uh, hi?” Brayden said hesitantly. Luke and Tiffany blushed.

“Dude! What are you doing here?” Luke scowled.

“My flight leaves in 3 hours I was coming to get my bags.” Brayden answered.

“Fuck, I forgot about that. Listen Tiff, I’m really sorry but-“ He apologized but I cut him off before he could finish his thought.

“Don’t worry Luke, stay with Tiff. I’ll drive Brayden to the airport, it’s no problem.” I assured.

Tiff look at me thankfully, “Thanks,” Luke nodded.

I smiled and Brayden and I headed to the elevator. When we got to the underground parking lot, I lead him to my Pontiac convertible. Brayden looked skeptical. “What?” I asked.

“How’d you get this car? Did you steal it or something?” He responded.

“Uh no, Tiff’s dad owns a big company so he’s rich. Tiff got this for me for my birthday a few years ago.” I explained.

I really hated it when Tiffany spent her money on me. But she always insisted. Brayden listened to me tell stories about Tiff and I the whole way to the airport. When we got there I walked Brayden to his terminal, which was then boarding.

He looked at me and smiled, “Do you still think I’m a cocky asshole?”

I laughed, “Surprisingly, I don’t.”

He hugged me for a good 5 minutes and when he let go he started walking away but then turned around and said, “I’m definitely going to keep in touch.”

“You better, Brayden Schenn!” I called after him. He winked at me and walked to the plane.
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wow ok this took me like legit all day i hope you like it!