Status: Starting on Chapter 3

What If.

Chapter 1

I look around the small attic room, that’s mine. I look at every aspect from the posters to the small collection of Teenage Mutant Turtles to the vase that is been turned into a lamp by my mum, and back again. Breaking my thoughts I hear the dim shout of my mum calling me, I *sigh* stand up and walk down the two flights of stairs that lead to the ground floor of our house. I see my mum standing with the front door wide open, and stood in the doorway looking up at me is Cameron he grins and says ‘want to come out Tay?’ I think about how I could go back to my thoughts in the quiet of my bedroom but in the end say ‘sure why now’.
I get my jacket from the hallway closet and look down at my feet to see I have on one converse in purple and another in dark blue which is usual. When I walk back to the front door Cameron looks at me as if to say ‘what took you so long?’, I grab my key from the hook by the door and join Cameron in the doorway ‘ so where we going?’, Cameron replies ‘ meeting the guys at the park’, ‘right ok’. I’ve known Cameron 2 years or so and we are really close, but just friends. We walk quietly for a while then Cameron breaks the silence ‘What’s Up with you?’ I reply ‘I dunno, I just haven’t really done anything in life’, ‘For goodness sake Tay, we’re 17.’
I laugh, and then we start a conversation about how we both completely fail at maths and this reality TV program that everybody in Poughkeepsie is obsessed with, because somebody who used to live here is in the final! When we walk into the park Jordan calls over ‘Hey Tay, Cameron’, Rob and Mike also look over and smile, we go and sit next to them in a circle on the grass. Jordan says ‘So what’s happening with everyone’, I answer ‘well I was wondering about, that band you were thinking about making’, All of the guys look at me ‘what!?’ Jordan replies ‘you obviously never check your Facebook’. This was true I hardly ever do, I really don’t like Facebook , If you want to get hold of me you text me or just knock on my front-door most people I thought knew that. Jordan continues ‘Oh yeah I forgot your hate for It’. The others laugh, I punch Jordan on the arm ‘oww what was that for?’ he shouts out, ‘I think you know what’.
Jordan Says well ‘ I play the guitar and sing, Rob plays the drums, Mike plays the bass, Cameron plays the guitar and well you sing.’ I went bright red truth was last time I sung was last year and I was nervous, I almost fainted but everybody said I was amazing but I said never again, stick to playing the violin. ‘umm, yeah well’ I looked at their faces and I would be singing with Jordan so did it matter. In the end I said ‘Yeah ok, as long as Jordan sings to.’ Mike Laughed ‘ I could sing with you if you’d prefer’ I reply ‘ Ummm yeah I think, Jordan would be better!’
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Ok So I wrote this on Word after finding I get writers block on here. Hey I did have spell checker but I do not leave lines for speech, one little habit of mine! :) I will probably write the next chapter tomorrow if I have time! Comment if you like it... It will end out to be a Taylex soon I promise!