Status: Not as active as I want it to be.

Falling for My Brother's Bride-to-Be

Falling For My Brother's Bride-to-Be 1

It all began the day that Avery and his girlfriend, Elena, had yet another fight, this one ending with popcorn strewn all over the living room of Avery’s apartment and several broken things, such as the screen of his plasma TV, his glass table, some of his soccer trophies, and even a dinner plate or two.

Neither Avery nor Elena remembered what the fight was about or how it started, but it always ended the same with Elena leaving the room in a fit and then locking herself in either the bathroom or the guestroom and Avery sitting around in the living room in rage, but then getting bored and ending up cleaning up most of the room and then finally, when all the crying and yelling was done, both would emerge out of whatever room they were in and end up making out once again and forgetting everything only to remember it all once again when they were having another argument a month later.

But, not this time. This time, Elena couldn’t take it anymore and was just too sick and tired of going through the same shit over and over again; she said it so herself.

“Avery, I am too sick of this!” she said. “This same shit over and over! It’s not gonna change! You’re not gonna change! You’re such a frigging tonto! You don’t have a clue about girls! You don’t have a clue about me and we’ve been going out for five years!”

“Well, who the hell told you to have a relationship with me for so long?!” Avery screamed back at her.

“Oh, I don’t know maybe it’s the guy I keep having these stupid on-and-off relationships with!” she headed straight for the door then and pulled it open. “Dios, te odio tanto! Como si yo no sé ni por qué sigo regresando a ti! - God, I hate you so much! Like I don't even know why I keep coming back to you for!’ she started going off in Spanish then.

“Oh, you try being so American, but guess what, honey, American’s don’t curse in frigging Spanish!” Avery told her as he finally found the courage to slam the door in her face.

He hadn’t understood a word she said, as usual. He was too American, he’s being living in New York for eight years now and the only Spanish he was any familiar with was how to say the usual greetings and his age, other than that, pretty much everything else was as difficult to figure out as Elena.

That was one thing she was right about, he really didn't understand her as much as he should've, but there wasn’t even a chance to do that anymore, Elena was gone and she looked pretty pissed, which meant that she was probably going to be a whole lot madder than a day. This was probably it, it was the part where they were never getting back together again.

It was just like that Taylor Swift song, Avery was going to be that annoying boyfriend that kept coming around and Elena would be the girl in the glasses who kept repeated pushing him away and singing, ‘We are never ever getting back together.’ Except, well, Elena doesn’t have glasses or need them and she wasn’t that great of a singer.

Damn, that’s not gonna be fun,’ Avery groaned to himself as he slammed the back of his head on the door.

“Shit! Shit! Shit, man!” he cursed himself and then slid down the door and sat on the floor for a few hours before finally coming up with an idea on what to do about all of this.
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First ch. I hope u all like! =)