Status: New

Alligator Blood

Second Encouter

Oliver stood on the set of the photo shoot, waiting for the model to show up so they could get started. It was a semi-busy day, and people were rushing about, doing hair and makeup and setting up the scene. Oli loved the fast paced feel of things at photo shoots and concerts, and that was why he was almost always there at the shoots. He was particularly excited and anxious about this photo shoot because the girl he met at the restaurant last night was going to be one of the models today.

Of course he had asked her friends after she had left who she was, and when he saw that she was on the list of today’s models he couldn’t help but smile.

Oli was never one to believe in love at first sight, but he did think Devin was very beautiful and interesting, just from the things he had found out about her the other night. He had gotten the vibe from her friends that there was something they weren’t telling, but he had brushed it off.

He was scanning through the clothing the girls had to wear, thinking about nothing when he looked up and saw her walk in. He couldn’t suppress the smile that came to his face as he saw her, and had to fight the urge to run up and kiss her.

After she had left his field of vision, Oliver mentally shook himself. He had never wanted to run up to a girl and kiss her before while not even really knowing her, and he had no idea why it was happening now.

He jumped a little when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and quickly pulled it out, checking to see who was calling before he answered. “Yeah, Matt, what’s up?”

“Hey Oli, me and the guys are going out to this club tonight, you wanna go?”

Oliver chuckled as he heard Matt Nichols’ voice over the phone and nodded his head before he remembered that Matt couldn’t see him. “Yeah mate, I’ll go. Give me a couple hours though, yeah? I’m at a Drop Dead thing.”

“No problem man, I’ll see you later.”

Oli hung up the phone and smiled, already thinking up ways to get Devin to go out with him tonight.

After all the models had gotten dressed and had their hair and makeup done, Oliver stood in the background, watching the shoot and seeing how the pictures turned out. He wasn’t surprised to see that Devin took the best pictures.

After the shoot was over, Oliver and the photographer debated over which photos to use while the models got dressed back in their own clothes. Oli liked a lot of Dev’s photos, and ultimately a lot of her pictures were chosen.

Oliver was clearing up some of the set after most of the girls and everyone else had gone home, and he noticed from the corner of his eye Dev walking down the hall, getting ready to leave. He realized that this was his chance to ask her out, and he ran for it.
Oliver came skidding to a stop in front of her as she was about to exit the building, and almost fell over on top of her. He was slightly out of breath as he looked down at her surprised face and asked, “Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me tonight?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took so long to put up. cx But this is a new co-write between a7xgirl2008 and me, and I hope you enjoy it. c: Also, if you like Asking Alexandria and Brusnop, you should check out my other story here. Thank you to all our subscribers so far. <3