Status: Completed 6/19/2012

Forget Your Mistakes

No Looking Back and No Regrets

Well, it’s been two months since I called the cops on my mother, and I couldn’t be happier. I had gotten a call from the police station a couple days after the incident, and they told me that they would be putting my mother in jail for a year for attempted breaking and entering, assault, and I guess they found some marijuana in her house. Of course I was always afraid she could get out of jail and come back and find me, but I knew I had Jamie, Ryan, and Rebekah to help me through it.

We were all watching a movie in the living room one night.. Well, more like Ryan and Jamie were talking and Rebekah and I shushed them. It was a good movie, alright?

Anyway, there was a knock at the door. “Jamie!” I yelled, “Go get the door!” He groaned, “Babe. I’m right here. No need to yell.” I giggled and kissed him, then turned my attention back to the movie. He rolled his eyes and laughed lightly before he got up and opened the door.

“Hey, Jamie. Is Alex home?” I heard my boss say. I hopped up off of the couch and trotted toward the door, “What’s up, Jen?” “Um.. I think we might want to talk alone..” she said, playing with her fingers. “Oh, it’s okay. Uh, what’s wrong?” I asked nervously. “Okay, before you start freaking out, I just want to say I’m not totally sure about what I saw, but I figured I should come tell you myself before anything else.” “Jen,” I moved out of the doorway and gestured for her to come inside, “Seriously. Why are you acting like this? What’s wrong?”

By this time, Ryan and Rebekah had gotten up to see what was going on. Jen walked through the door and continued, “Well, I was locking up the store tonight and I turned around and saw someone who looked an awful lot like your mother walking around. I wasn’t for sure if it was her or not, but I didn’t want to risk it.” “B-but…it’s only been two months… She’s supposed to be locked away for at least another ten.. Why..why would they let her out early..?” I trailed off as Jamie wrapped his arms around me. “I don’t know,” Rebekah said, “but it better have been a damn good reason.